Chapter 37

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(Another little smutty bit in this one! Thought I'd try my hand at it with this story - first multi chapter, first villain, first smut writing ... lots of firsts in this looooooong journey, huh? Enjoy!)

Molly felt Sherlock move beneath her and cracked an eye open to look at the clock. 07:30. She almost rolled her eyes at his ritualistic early rising but instead felt a pinch of panic as his body shifted away from hers. She rolled over to face him and slung a hand over his torso, grabbing his waist and pulling him back towards her. His eyebrows shot up as he looked down at her but he made no protests.


"Please ... just please don't go. Not yet."

She felt him sigh beneath her cheek.


His arms wound tightly around her and she squeezed her eyes shut to savour the feeling of being safe again. She was drilling it into her brain that the danger (although possible), was never unbeatable. She had well and truly resigned herself to not let it ruin her life, but that didn't mean she wouldn't need comfort once in a while. She hummed as he carded his fingers through her hair, flittering over her scalp in the way that calmed her instantly.


"Yeah?" She was still wistfully humming beneath his fingers in her hair and his hand drawing circles on her back as he held her close.

"It's ... It's my parents. They want to see you. They want to make sure you're okay. Your grandfather too."

As his nervous words tumbled from his lips, she remembered his phone conversation from yesterday. It was lovely that they wanted to check on her and the feeling warmed Molly's heart but she wasn't sure she was ready to face all of those questions yet. She sighed as she realised she had no choice. Trying to (and failing) to keep the consternation from her voice she replied,

"What time are they coming?"

She felt Sherlock huff a slight laugh from his chest, she loved how transparent she was to him.

"They said around noon to give you time to prepare for the day ahead. Your Grandpa is arriving around the same time. Mycroft has sent a car for him."

Molly made a note to thank the elder Holmes sibling for that later. She cracked another look at the clock.

"That's okay. Plenty of time."

"Plenty of time for what exactly?"

"For this."

She leaned up and closed her mouth over his, committing the act of kissing him to memory once more. She shifted as they kissed, lost in one another as they always were, so that he rested over her and she could feel the heat of his body against hers. She moved her hands up from his back to his hair and tugged a little, smiling against his lips at the involuntary groan the action always received. The passion between them grew and Molly could feel when Sherlock started to pull back. She held onto him as long as she could, keeping her fingers in his hair and rolling her hips towards his, but eventually he pulled away to look at her with wide, dilated eyes.

"Molly." It was a tone of whispered concern.

"It's okay." She smiled her small smile at him.

"No, you need-"

He began to sit back on his knees as he removed his hands slowly from Molly's body. This was unfair to her, she had been through so much and deserved rest and room to heal. She certainly didn't need him pushing a sexual agenda right now. He leant back a little further but was shocked when she rose to meet him. Molly grabbed his hands and cupped them within her own.

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