Chapter 40

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The news of the Hooper-Holmes baby had been received in the best way by those around them. The Watsons were over the moon and Mary was texting her daily asking for updates. John was proposing baby names - Hamish in particular. Loo was spending all of her spare time looking at baby clothes and helping convert the spare room into a nursery. Mycroft had actually teared up at the sight of his "best uncle" T-shirt and had immediately set out looking for suitable real estate for their little family and unborn child, factoring in schools and employment opportunities as well as crime rates and (at Loo's behest) the standard of the local take-aways. Molly reckoned he was using resources far too private and precious to work all of this out but she decided to leave him to it. He was as excited as the rest of them to have a new baby around, and Molly had a feeling he'd be a smashing uncle. The first-class delivery of the best grandparents mug set to Violet and Siger Holmes had prompted an immediate facetime call accompanied by as many tears, screams and congratulations that Sherlock expected. Molly had also video called her Grandpa to tell him the news. Chris Hooper was suddenly hellbent on finding a flat and moving up to London to spend more time with his growing family. Sherlock had informed her that Mycroft was keeping Chris involved in his house hunting endeavours and the various locations he was considering which only served to warm her hear further. Molly couldn't deny how excited she was to have all her family safely in one place.

The summer wedding indeed turned into a winter one. It was a small affair, intimate and perfect for them. They held it in a small church near where Molly grew up and there had been a layer of glistening snow on the ground which added to the magic of the day. Molly's gown hid her starting to show bump but she wouldn't have cared if anyone could see it. She loved her dress though (a silk A-line with lace illusion sleeves), she felt utterly beautiful. Molly Hooper felt nothing short of infinite as she prepared herself to marry the love of her life. Sherlock teared up at the sight of her walking down the aisle on Chris Hooper's arm. John squeezed his shoulder and marvelled at how far his friend had come. His best friend and his brother looked positively dashing and Sherlock was the epitome of handsome waiting for her at the end of the aisle. Rosie Watson had thrown flower petals everywhere but where they were supposed to go and Loo and Mary had held hands whilst the vows were shared.

All in all, their wedding was a beautiful day. This was a fact Sherlock was trying to remind his wife of as she crushed the knuckles in his hand.

"This is all your fault!"

"Actually-" a look from Mary Watson (conveniently on duty at this point so allowed to stay in the room) told him explicitly not to go there. He nodded in defeat. "Yes, you're right. 100% my fault and I'm ever so sorry, my darling but you're so close to the end now. You can do this."

Her disgruntled "piss off!" transitioned into another loud wail as she continued to push. She breathed in and out the best she could, trying to remember what she was taught in all of her pre-natal classes but that's harder than one would think when you're pushing a watermelon out of your own body.

"One last push, Mrs Holmes."

Molly obliged and suddenly the room was filled with the glowing noise of a baby's cry. Sherlock froze as the atmosphere in the room became electric. He cut the chord as he was instructed but his eyes never left the tiny human in the arms of the nurse. He watched as it was wiped down, watched as it was weighed and given a swift check-up, watched as their baby was given to his wife as she lay exhausted in a hospital bed. He wasn't aware of Molly repeating his name until he felt a hand on his arm.

"Sherlock? Meet your son."

His vision was blurred but there was no mistaking his son's blue eyes and hazelnut brown curls. His son. It was too good to be true. It felt impossible and yet, here it was happening. Happening to him. He felt like he was in a different world to the one he imagined for himself in his youth. Molly Hooper had successfully transported him to a whole different universe. A universe of love, of family, of fun and of friends. A universe he wouldn't change for a moment.

Molly shifted on the bed so Sherlock could sit beside her as they stared down at their son. Molly played with his tiny hand with her thumb while Sherlock ghosted his fingers over the top of his son's head

"You did it."

Molly shook her head and pressed her lips to his cheek.

"We did it."

Sherlock beamed. "We made this."

"Yes, we did."

He turned his head then to kiss her fully, whispering how proud he was of her against her lips before all of their attention was rooted back on their son. They stayed like that for many minutes, basking in the warmth of family before Molly nudged Sherlock with her shoulder.

"Go on, you best get the others before your mum kicks down the door."

Sherlock was reluctant to leave them but rose as unstructured to gather the rest of their dysfunctional little family. Moments later, Loo, Chris, Violet, Siger, Mycroft, John, Mary and Rosie Watson arrived in the room. The midwife laughed.

"Blimey, quite the family you've got here!"

"Yes," Molly beamed, "yes it is."

Sherlock rejoined her side as the others clamoured around the bed to get a look at the newest family member. Molly nodded at him as he leaned down to press a kiss to her damp forehead.

"Everyone, meet William Mycroft Holmes."

There was a ripple of excitement around the room as everyone expressed their love for their son's name. Sherlock was sure Mycroft wiped a tear from his eye. The elder Holmes seemed rendered speechless as he wordlessly took Molly's hand and gave it a squeeze before nodding at Sherlock.

"Mycroft Holmes with nothing to say! Quick, mark it on the calendar."

Laughter bubbled at Loo's quip and Sherlock zoned out of the conversation as his son, their son, was passed to each family member. There was a warm feeling in his gut, spreading through his veins like a wildfire. This was it. This was what Sherlock Holmes's life was supposed to be and now that he had it, he was never going to let it go. He caught Molly's smiling eyes as she glanced up at him, seeing nothing but unbridled love shining back at him. He planted another kiss to her lips and hoped it was adequate enough to portray the depth of his emotions which he could not express in words.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

And thus began the next chapter for Mr and Mrs Holmes. Quite the adventure indeed.


And it's done! A shorter epilogue to round off the story :)
I cannot thank you all enough for coming on this journey with me. It was a longer journey than I ever expected it to be but I guess the story just ran away with me and I let it ... I'll work on that if I ever post a multi-chapter again! I hope you all like the way it ends and that you've enjoyed reading about Sherlolly in this ridiculous little world I've made for them. I appreciate every single one of you. I cannot thank you all enough, sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. Writing this has helped me through a lot and I'm just so grateful to be able to share it with lovely people of like-mind.

Stay safe out there, take care of yourselves and I wish you all a very very happy 2022 <3

Mr Holmes and Miss Hooper - a Sherlolly Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें