
We are lounging around Percy's apartment when the TV flickers on. On screen a group of twelve people, men and women, appear. They are all seated on decorated thrones of sort, looking like royalty and yet not dressed for it. We all whirl in shock. The TV had not been on. I look at Jason and the others, but they seem as confused as I am, if not more so.

That is when one of the woman on screen starts to talk. She is wearing a long, sleeveless, silver dress that matches her flashing eyes. Her dark hair is pinned in a side braid that runs down her bare arm. "Hello," she begins and her voice seems to echo through Percy's living room. "My name is Athena. I am the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy. And I am here to tell you, the myths are true.

"Everything you believed in as a child; centaurs, dragons, the Minotaur. They are all real. Every legend you have heard of Hercules slaying monsters and the gods performing miracles you all refer to as natural phenomenons, are true. All of Greek and Roman mythology exists in the here and now."

I turn away from the TV. This lady is crazy. I look over at the others and am confused when no one seems to be reaching for the remote to turn her off. Instead they all seem to be panicking, as if they believe this stuff. My eyes meet Annabeth and I startle suddenly as I realize her eyes match the exact shade and temperament of the eyes of the woman on the TV. I shake my head though, turning back to the TV where the 'Athena' is talking again.

"The reason none of you mortals have seen our world, is because there is something called the Mist which protects your eyes from seeing anything your minds can not comprehend. The Mist was held and manipulated by Hecate the Goddess of Magic. And while Gods can not die, they can fade. Hecate was mortally wounded in our last war and now in an effort to preserve herself, she has let go of her magic, including the Mist.

"The Mist is gone. The earth is filled with monsters. Mortals take heed. This is not in jest. Your lives are all in great danger. Behind me stand the twelve Olympians. Us and our children will be visiting your schools, offices, theaters to get our message across within the next week or so. Meanwhile, do be careful," she finishes, nodding slightly and the TV blinks off.

I turn to the others who are all mixes of panic and rage. No one looks as if they are about to laugh at her ridiculous statement. "So...total hoax, right?"

The three of them just stare at me. Finally Jason stands up, glancing quickly over at Percy and Annabeth before looking to me. He offers me a hand up. "Come on," he says. "I'll take you home."

Jason leads me to the door of the apartment even though I am perfectly capable of finding it myself. As I slip on my flats, I hear him hanging back, talking in hush tones to the other two. When I am slipping on my jacket, he comes up behind me, unhooking his own coat from the rack. I say a quick goodbye to Percy and Annabeth as Jason hustles me out the door.

He presses a hand to my shoulder, gently pushing me forward. I know this really isn't the time to be thinking of it, but the feeling of his hand sends shivers down my spin. Ever since the three of them showed up at school a few months ago, I have had this crush on Jason. I thought it had dissipated in the last bit from his clear disinterest, but clearly my feelings have only grown.

We are quiet as we board the elevator and ride down. In the lobby Jason softly guides me outside and down the sidewalk. We have only been walking for a bit when I and ask, "What was all that back there?"

His eyes dip down to the ground, avoiding my gaze.

"Jason." I roll my eyes. "Seriously?"

He meets my eyes, before ducking away again. "Look, I'll tell you later, okay?" He shuffles his feet.

Percy Jackson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now