Chapter 15 - Shitfuck

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Chapter 15



He snatches the piece of paper from my hand and I look down. He had come right from the shower, his body glistening with water and a white towel wrapped loosely around his hips. His hair dropped not the floor beneath him.

His face showed betrayal.

"I'll ask you one more time, what the actual fuck were you doing?"

"I was-I was looking for a shirt to change because my shirt...and it fell out and I, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. I know it was wrong of me to do, but..." I fiddle with my fingers as he tightens his grip on the piece of paper.

"The amount of disappointment I'm filled with right now is unreal. And the worst part was I really liked you. Now I know, you're just like everyone else who tries to help me. You don't let me speak for myself. You of all people should've known that I trusted you enough that I would eventually tell you my true thoughts. "

The words hurt me like a bullet and I feel my body freeze up. Ashton was a fragile person. And I never would've expected it. He seemed so stoic and unbreakable and I guess that taught me people like that were the ones to shatter leaving the biggest mess.

"You're so hurt," I say looking up at him. It was the wrong thing to say, but I couldn't help but state out the obvious fact. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"No. I'm fine. I don't think like that anymore. " he opens his eyes and looks at me. "Trust me, Stutter."

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Just...leave. I really just wanna be alone."

I nod and bite my lip as I walk past him, gently hitting his shoulder in the process. I leave through the kitchen door, passing the uneaten sandwiches and root beer drinks.


"Nice of you to finally join your family for dinner." My stepmom says, glaring at me.

I scoff. "Because you treat me like such family." I slide my peas to the left of my plate, then push them back to the right, repeatedly.

"What are you guys talking about?" David asks. I glare at my plate and don't respond.

I was seated next to David while Emma and Eva sat across from me, with the witch at the head of the dinner table. Dad, of course, was at work.

"Our Dalia here has decided to go on a lovely rebellious phase in her life," the witch says as she rests her elbows on the table, cupping her chin.

"Care to explain..." David mutters.

"Oh, I definitely can," Emma interjects. "She doesn't text mom where she's going or when she's coming home. She stopped eating dinner with us and is constantly going out. Wouldn't be surprised if her perfect 4.0 GPA has finally dropped."

"Tell us what you've been up to...smoking blunts? Or is that too soft for you? Snorting coke? Do tell us!" Eva smiles at me.

The words roll off me and suddenly I'm shaking. The room is heavy and suddenly I feel hot and sticky. I'm sweating and I feel tears in the corners of my eye. My hands are shaking and I felt the sudden urge to chuck my plate full of food at her.

Instead, I stand up and before I leave I speak defiantly, "I've been helping a friend overcome depression."

I grab whatever jacket is hanging on the hook next to the front door and slip it on.

I grab my keys and drive.

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