Chapter 4 - Hunger, Want, Need

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Chapter 4

Hunger, Want, Need

I felt him tense as his hold on my wrists tighten. He was still for 4 seconds (I counted). His lips were soft and plump and the way they were pushed up against my lips felt amazing. I wanted more, I wanted us to really kiss. Not this peck that I was placing on his lips. 

I peeked a glance at him by opening my eyes and was surprised to find his eyes closed.

Slowly, I pulled away. Biting my lip I looked anywhere but him. He let go of me right away.

I took a few steps away from him pushing his shoulder to get away. I looked up at him and he was boring his eyes into mine. His eyes were filled with hunger, want and need. They were darker and dilated.

I couldn't ignore that, but I had to as I turned away from him. Grabbing my stuff, not knowing what else to do, I left.

I looked back at him before closing the door to his room.

With him still watching every move I made, I couldn't help but shudder as I looked away.

I needed to get out of here.

When I got home, I tried to sneak into my room hoping I wouldn't bump into my step sisters or brother. However, it seemed that today, luck was just not on my side.

There Eva was, exiting the bathroom just as I entered the hallway.

Dang, it. All I wanted was to be left alone so I could replay that kiss over and over in my head.

When she saw me, she smiled.

She was beautiful. Both her and her twin sister. They had long dirty blonde hair and glowingly tan skin. Her smile looked warm and soft and welcoming. Their eyes were brown and they looked like they couldn't hurt a fly. Only, I knew otherwise.

"It's been a while since I pushed you around," she says as she edges closer to me.

"Can't say I missed it," I say softly.

"You know, my dad still loves her. And your stupid bitch of a father just swept in looking like some Prince Charming. While my dad scrapes by with his minimum wage job and is completely aband-"

"Listen, for the thousandth time I have nothing to do with this and I'm sorry but I can't change anything that happened. Please, Eva, do you ever think maybe your mom is just selfish for leaving him like that and wanting my father-"

She pushes me and my backpack drops to the ground and I feel physically drowned. I was too exhausted for this.

"Shut up you bitch! You don't know anything! Don't say shit about my mom or I will fuck with everything you have-"

"I'm sorry, but I just don't have time for this right now."

"What the fuck, get back here. I'm not done with you!" She screams as I push past her grabbing my backpack and running to my room.

When I got to my room I shut the door, fully knowing she would come back later in the evening when she got bored.

I sighed leaning against the door as I think about the events of today.

The kiss.

Short, but it opened a zoo of animals inside my stomach. I bit my lip, cherishing the way his lips had felt against mine. I knew he would probably never speak to me ever again. He didn't kiss girls he didn't find attractive on the lips. He didn't find me attractive. That's why he didn't kiss me back. He just stayed still letting me push myself against him.

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