Chapter 11 - Murderer

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Chapter 11


"...and then he basically made a fight out of thin air. He said that I was pathetic for doing the same thing everyday and that I needed to get a life!" I was full on fuming even though at the same time I was still high off the recent developments.

"But then you guys kissed in a cemetery?!" Mary shrieks and I fall back on her bed with an exasperated sigh.

"Yes and was amazing! But he's just so the whole thing with kissing my neck when we barely knew each other and stuff it's just confusing. 90% of the time I'm frustrated and I wanna strangle him, but then that other 10%... Ugh!" I hug one of her throw pillows to my chest.

"You like him. A bad boy. You are madly and deeply into a bad boy! It's a religion trying to keep up with these bad boys," Mary screams then jumps on the bed before toppling on top of me.

"But it'll never work out between us. Look at him, look at me. We're just too different. He has too many problems within him." I whisper my biggest fear when it comes to Ashton frowning.

Little did I know these words would haunt me years later.


The next day, I went to school fully expecting a surprise attack from Ashton. Knowing him, the nice attitude was definitely not going to last long.

When I walked into English later on in the day, Ashton was in his seat. He was slouched back, lazily fiddling with a pencil in his right hand. When he saw me approach my desk, I swear his eyes trailed down my clothing.

I was wearing black leggings and a red sweatshirt. My hair was tied messily into a loose bun. My shoes were worn out white Nikes.

"Do you think that maybe we could, you know be friends?" He asks slowly as I take my seat. I gulp.

Was I getting friend zoned?

"Uh yeah, of course," I mutter. A small smile stretches across his face and his eyes twinkle. God, he was really attractive.

"Great, come over today. I know it's Monday and all, but I was thinking we go somewhere?" He asks excitedly. My eyebrows shoot up in shock.

Whoever was playing this sick joke on me could stop now.

"I guess I could squeeze you in," I say looking at my lap.

And we don't speak for the rest of class.


When nobody came to the door after I rung the doorbell four times. I push the knob and find the door unlocked.

I make my way inside, hoping Ashton was just sleeping in his room and couldn't hear the bell.

As I slip my shoes off I hear creaking and a middle-aged woman's voice filling the air.

"Who are you?" speaks the voice and I look up to find a beautiful woman.

Seriously, she was beautiful.

Dark hair framed her gold skin. She looked just like him, with freckles splattered all over the bridge of her Jose. The only difference was that while his eyes were dark, hers were a light hazel.

She wore a black business suit and she looked scary and hella intimidating. I bit my lip nervously.

"Hi, my name is Dalia...I'm a friend of Ashton's. He asked me to come over after school," I say, straightening my back.

"Ashton? He wants to hang out with you?"

"Y-yes that's what he said." I was scared of this lady. She looked like she had power. Her eyebrows knit together as she frowned.

"Has he told you about his...issues?"

"Issues ma'am?" I ask bewildered. Was she speaking out his major anger issues because I didn't find them too bad?

"Honey, I highly suggest you leave right now. He's not supposed to have friends."

"W-What?" I ask confused.

"Ashton...has multiple mental illnesses, including major depressive disorder. He's done some bad things in his past that haunts him every day. These actions...are extreme. He hurts people, he takes out his pain on others. He can do some severe damage to you. He hurts them. I have forbidden him from becoming friends with people until his therapist has said he's okay again. That is why I'm confused as to why he has the nerve to invite you over."

"Don't you think stopping him from having friends would just make his problems worse?... Matter of fact, I think we'll be okay, Ms. Sayeh. I think I can handle his...issues." I say defiantly.

"Dalia, was it?" She asks and I give a firm nod.

"Dalia, do you know who Elliot Davies is?"

"I've heard of him, he passed away a few months ago? And he was a good friend of Ashton's. That's all I know."

"Do you know who brutally murdered Elliot?"

"N-No." I was scared. Really scared. My heart was beating out of its chest.

Please, don't say what I think you're gonna say.

"My son. So, I suggest you run as fast as you can before another accident happ-"

"Dalia?" A new groggy male voice fills the room and both our heads blink up to see Ashton in the doorway. He looked like he had just woken up from a nap and confusion was etched across his face. He looks between the both of us and anger fills his face.

"What are you doing here, mom, you're supposed to be in Japan?" He talks again and my heart was beating crazier than ever before. 

I avoid his eye contact and train my eyes back to the ground.

What was going on?
What the actual fuck was going on?

Ashton, a murderer?

Ms. Sayeh faces me again and gives me a sad smile. "I just don't want to see another person get hurt, Dalia. You can go now." I nod and slip into my sneakers again.

"What did you say to her? Don't believe her, it's not what you fucking think... Dalia come back!" He was going crazy. I looked up to his eyes to see fire and hurt flashing through them. Anger was bursting through his veins as he glowered at his mom.

Before closing the door, I gave him one last peek.

Leaving him for good.

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