Chapter 7 - Family

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Sweater Weather - Spotify Sessions Curated by Jim Zeno
The Neighbourhood

Chapter 7


Three weeks have passed.

I haven't talked to Ashton once since the time I was pushed against the lockers. I stopped going to his house. Instead, I just passed him my notes in class for the character board and we did everything separately but passed it in together.

Michael and I were growing extremely close. We would go out to eat after school some weekdays and he quickly replaced my trips to Ashton's house.

He was becoming my absolute best friend and I, his.

I had friends besides him but none I got extremely close to. My friends were just people I sat with at lunch or ask for help when it comes to school work.

But Michael, he was my best friend. He listens and I listen to him. 

However, Ashton's voice would sometimes creep into my head, Stutter, he's just using you as a rebound.

Sometimes, Michael would flirt and I would never know what to say. We would have tickle fights in his car, or he'd call me beautiful. So far, I'd managed to avoid anything happening by diverting the topic.

My crush on him was slowly dissipating and I couldn't help but compare him to Ashton.

Michael just felt like a great friend to have, despite the fact that I'd had a crush on him for years and now it's just gone. Any time he'd try to pull something romantic, Ashton's face would pop into my head.

I chose to ignore it. Ashton was long gone from my brain.

Right now, I'm sitting next to Ashton in English reading our new book, Jane Eyre.

Today was the last day of school before the holiday break. I used to love Christmas. And now I hated it. I loved school more.

It meant more time I had to spend with my family. The same family that made it clear they didn't want me.

I dreaded leaving school and having to go home.

Michael was throwing a party for New Years and he'd personally begged that I go. It was going to be hard to sneak out considering my stepmom watched me like an eagle its prey. I figured I'd just try my best to go and what happens, happens.

I was growing more and more defiant with her, was it my dealings with Ashton that was changing me into a different person?

Or is this who I am all along and I just needed someone to bring that about of myself?

Sneakily, I lifted my eyes and peeked at Ashton. I did this often, and I'm pretty sure he noticed.

I would peek long glances at him. How could I not? He was beautiful. I couldn't have him, but I could definitely stare. 

He avoided me like the plague and I avoided him. 

But staring was allowed. Even though it may be a little bit creepy. 

His dark black hair was falling over his eyes messily and he was chewing on his bottom lip. His eyebrows were scrunched as he read with a deep focus. I sighed and turned away from him.

Look, but don't touch.


Christmas morning, I woke up with dread.
No presents for me this year.

My dad might pop into my room later and say a quick speech about getting good grades and how he loves me and how proud he is. Nothing more.

Ignorance really was his bliss.

I make my way downstairs after getting ready. I slipped on a black dress that went down to mid-thigh. I paired it with black opaque tights, fully knowing if I didn't my stepmom would wring my neck. I already know what I'm going to hear.

"Dalia!" My stepmom snaps, "I've left you alone during school days and even the weekends to focus on your work. Now, it's winter break and I expect you to fulfill your role by actually helping out. Clean the kitchen and wrap up all these presents." She motions towards the dining table that's filled with tons of presents. All for her beloved children.

"I'm taking the twins and David out to visit their dad and to go Christmas shopping. And please tell me you're not wearing that dress for dinner?" I turn away from her shrugging.

"David's home?" I ask. David was my stepbrother. He was the only decent one from their family but he was at college and failed to notice the way I was treated by his family members.

"I'm picking him up from the university and going with him and the twins from there. Eva and Emma are already in the car waiting for me. Oh and...When we have dinner, I invited the Goldstein's over. Please don't talk much and make your responses quick and short if they ask anything. I don't want you embarrassing us."

Or you don't want me existing.

With that she grabs her Louis Vuitton purse and leaves, slamming the door behind her.

I huff looking at the mounds of presents before me.

This was going to take forever.

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