Chapter 3 - Lean Closer And

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Chapter 3

Lean Closer And

3 weeks have passed.

My days went like this.

I woke up, went to school, came home, did homework, helped my evil step mom make dinner then went to sleep reading a book or finishing any remaining homework.

On Wednesdays and Fridays, I would go to Ashton's house and work on English. I told my stepmom that I was part of English club to explain my constant absence on these days.

He didn't pull the kissing my neck stunt he did like the first time no matter what I wore to his house, whether it was sweatpants or a skimpy outfit. I was lying to you if I told you I'd try my hardest to grab his attention but it seemed like all of a sudden he had a cement wall built around him and all he wanted to do was our project. He wouldn't talk or ask me about anything unless it had something to do with English. 

He was mean sometimes and rude but I couldn't help but feel that we worked really well together even if we disagreed on the characters of the book.

Today was Friday and I was driving to his house after school.

I pull up to the driveway and grab my English folder and book and head up the porch stairs to his door.

I ring the bell twice and patiently wait.

I liked this routine and this system. We were getting this done and my grade in English was improving a lot with his help.

He was extremely smart and I felt like some of it was rubbing off on me. I guess from all the books lining his room he was good at reading comprehension and all of that. Something I hated.

As usual, he approached the door and without saying left it wide open and walked away. Today he wasn't wearing a shirt and I could see the contours of abs and tattoos swirling around his skin. My breath hitched as his back turned to me and I watched the muscles on his back moved with him as he walked up the marble stairs.

I took off my shoes and followed him.

Trailing after him, I go to his room.

"That last chapter was intense right? I can tell you're starting to like Holden," I say. I was getting used to his presence now. I talked with more confidence with him and my stuttering only came if he was too close or if I looked him straight in the eye for too long. I 

"Stutter," he says and I bump into his bare back. 


He turns around and I hold my breath. He looks exhausted. His eyes have bags under them and they're shadowed with darkness. His lips are even redder than usual...if that was even possible and his hair was messier.

I breathe out softly. He leans close to my face and squints. He grabs the front of my shirt, scrunching it up and pulling me towards him. I was wearing a skimpy outfit today, but he didn't seem to notice as my cleavage plunged out as he tugged on my shirt. I feel his hot breath fan across my face and I bite my lip from his closeness. This was the closest we've been since the first time I had come over.

"Do you ever wanna fucking die?" He asks softly.


"Are you fucking dumb? Is there anything else you say besides what all the fucking time?"


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