Randomness. (Like the media above)

336 20 12

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SuperBrick: Bro! Look what I found!

SuperBrick: *holds a up a Coke*

BlueCookies: *dips blue cookies in the Coke*

BlueCookies: *tear in eye* Thanks, Bro!

DeadOfWinter:... that was normal...

BlanketBurrito: ROSE!

DeadOfWinter: (please not the skeletons tickles)

DeadOfWinter: Yeeeeesssss?

BlanketBurrito: What is up with the media?

DeadOfWinter: a fan made it for Rick Riordan... I thought it was funny...


DeadOfWinter: You don't know! Father might throw a house party!

DrSunshine: *reading a book with Annabeth or something* Very unlikely, Rose.

DeadOfWinter: (grumble grumble)

SmarterThanU: True, Will.

WoofWoof: I wonder if Mars would ever do something like that.

GoldenGirl: If he did, everybody would die at the end.

WoofWoof: True.

SuperBrick: *appears out if dust or something*


PipedUp: That was... random?

SuperBrick: *Shoves poster in Rose's face*

DeadOfWinter: 200 reads? Already?

DeadOfWinter: How?

HotStuff: It's all because of my fabulous idea that you kindly agreed to!

DeadOfWinter: You threatening me with skeleton tickles**


HotStuff:... you know what

HotStuff: Shut you're face XD

DeadOfWinter: But thanks so much to all of my beautiful readers! I'm so happy and I love you guys so much!

SmarterThanU: We should probably go...

BlueCookies: Yeah, she's gonna be like that for a while now....

*The chat is now closed*

But seriously, thank you guys for every single read! I don't know how I'm already at two hundred! Ugh! I'm just so happy! And I love all of you guys! Thanks so much!!!

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