Chapter 18

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Betty Cooper:

"Hey B can I talk to you for a minute," I hear Veronica's voice from behind me, turning around to meet her eyes. 

"Yea sure, what's up," My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Follow me," she grabs a hold of my arm, dragging me into an empty hallway. She seemed nervous, almost scared. 

"What's're starting to scare me," I chuckle under my breath, seeing as she stays tense.

"I heard something...about Archie," she states, causing my eyebrows to furrow even more. 

"Okay...and what is it that's so bad," 

"I heard Reggie talking to the football team..saying that Archie was planning on doing something stupid," she starts, her eyes gazing around our surroundings encase someone was ease dropping. 

"I think it has something to do with you and Jughead," she finishes. 

"Okay I get it that it could be about us for obvious reasons, but how do you know for sure," I question in anticipation. 

"Because I heard Reggie saying that he'll pay for what he's done...who else could he be talking about," she explains. 

"Still that could be about a lot of people...we just need to be hopeful that we're wrong on this," I try and think positive. Archie wouldn't harm Jughead, would he?


"Okay will you tell me why Cheryl and Veronica are following me around like lost puppies," Jughead pulls me into the Blue & Gold office. 

"Yeah about that...I have to tell you something," I remember, seeing as he makes the same facial expression as I had made earlier. 

Once I was done explaining the same exact things that Ronnie had told me, he looked even more confused. 

"Okay I know that Archie was upset..but do you really think he'd do something that extreme," he laughs under his breath, not believing it, or not wanting to believe it. 

"I don't know..but yes I am a little worried..I mean you saw how aggressive he got the other night and now with the football team involved, who knows what they'll do," I exclaim, pacing back in forth. Uneasy about the whole situation. 

"So what are we going to do, for all we know they could be talking about a completely different person," 

"Yeah but still, their going to harm someone..We need to stop them before they can," I try and persuade him. Seeing him as he gives into my antics. 


"Okay so what's the plan," Veronica and Cheryl make it into the Blue & Gold, the one place no one will spot us talking about the certain topic. 

"After school we'll wait for football practice to let out..And then when we spot them walking to their cars we simply follow them," "Hopefully we won't get caught, and if we do then we'll simply say we're on our ways to Pops," I explain. They look cautious about it, but agree none the less. 

"So when is football practice supposed to let out," Cheryl asks, glancing around at the three of us. 

"4:30...It's 4 now so we just have to wait," Veronica speaks up, checking the old vintage clock once again. 


Traveling behind their cars was a lot easier than we thought. The sun had gone down slightly, the sky glowing orange through the windows illuminates our skin. 

"Where are they going," Veronica squints her eyes in front of her. Moving her head around to get better access of the vehicles in front of the one we're following. 

"I think they're going to the south side," I speak up, seeing as the buildings get more and more rugged. The sky fading over into grey, as it always does for some reason. 

"Do you think their-,"Cheryl asks. 

"Going to my house..yeah probably," Jughead stays looking ahead while driving. His face furrowed in anger. 

"So we were right," Veronica says. "Those dickheads," she shakes her head in disappointment. 

We stay quiet for the rest of the car ride, sitting in unbearable silence. What the hell are they planning. 

We were all slightly shocked when they passed Jughead's trailer park. Instead they continue their journey through the south side. Passing bars and broken down convenience stores. 

"Where are they going," Cheryl asks, grabbing Jughead's attention. 

"The bar where the south side serpents hang out," Is his strict reply. 

"Why would they be going there," I ask in curiosity, leaning further in my seat to look closer at the cars. 

"I have no idea," I hear his voice from beside me, his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter and tighter until his skin turns pale. 

"Wait stop here..we don't want them to see the car," Veronica demands. 

Pulling over on the side of the road, down the street from our destination. We all pile out of the car. Walking quickly down the sidewalk, I grab a hold of Jughead's hand trying to calm him down a little. I notice that he relaxes under my touch, causing a small smile to appear on my lips. 


"What is he doing," Jughead finally speaks up, seeing how Archie gets out of the car and walks around the side. We all dunk so he won't see us. I notice how he knocks on the side door, his school duffel bag in hand, as someone opens the door.

"Who is that," I ask, knowing that the three of them probably have no idea either.

The man gazes around his surroundings making sure no one's watching, ha he didn't see us. He then takes the bag from Archie, sneaking a look inside before nodding his head.  Allowing Archie into the bar. Why the hell did he bring the football team then?

"What did he just do," Veronica asks, standing up from her crouched position as we all do to. 

"I have no idea, but there's only one way to find out right," Cheryl smirks her way. 

"Are you kidding me, we aren't going in there..That wasn't part of the plan, we were simply supposed to follow and observe," Veronica argues, seeing as Cheryl shakes her head but agrees with a "fine,"

"So what do we do now," I ask, giving them all a look of confusion.

"We wait," Jughead shrugs his shoulders. 

"You know what, you three can sit out here and wait..but I'm going in," Cheryl changes her mind, staring her journey to the bar. All of us still standing behind in shock, but by the end of it we all make our way after her. 

Entering our way into the old wooden door, the sound of it creaking is what I hear before I see her questioning Archie. 




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