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Jughead Jones:

Betty Cooper, the one girl in this entire town that he didn't completely dislike. He didn't know if it was the way she always seemed kind, or the way that he knew all of it was a lie. Let's just say he is quite the observer. It's not like there was much else for him to do in the small town called Riverdale. Besides spend most of his time at Pop's, munching on some type of food and writing his novel that he had been working on all summer. 

But for some reason when he had no inspiration for his writing, he would think of the beautiful blonde and it all came to him. The right words, the right thoughts. He didn't understand why or how she could make him feel a certain way, and he hadn't even talked to her since they were kids. Running around outside of his old friends Archie's house, and having little adventures through the woods. He didn't understand why it had to be her of all people, that could completely change his attitude when he saw her. Make him think that things could get better, even if it was only for a day or an hour. Even a minute. 

But he could never find the right words when he was around her. When they did communicate, and that was quite rarely, it would always be rushed hello's or even slight nods throughout the hallways, of Riverdale High. He would turn into a complete mess, and he beat himself up for it every time about it. Why couldn't things be the same, since they entered high school everything changed. He became the outcast, Betty focused on school, and Archie became a jock. 

It seemed like growing up for the three friends had completely changed their feelings and emotions towards each other. Because Jughead had never thought of Betty in such ways until then, sure he always thought she was cute when they were little. Especially when she'd blush or smile so bright that her eyes twinkled. 

But now, the feeling was different, and that scared the hell out of him. 

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