Chapter 3

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Jughead Jones:

Archie Andrews, the luckiest red-head in Riverdale. The one person in this town that somehow has the heart of Betty Cooper. I don't get how she can't see through his facade, how she can follow after him like a lost puppy. It disgusts me that he could do that to her, to the only kindhearted and considerate girl in this town. To one of his best friends. 

I have no say in what the two do anymore, but if I did. I'd already kick Archie's ass for what he's did. And, yes I know I was rude with Betty. But, I can't have her being around me and being the nice and beautiful girl that I know of her. It'll just make it so much harder on me, and on her. Because it takes everything in me, not to make a complete idiot of myself when I'm around her. To not just walk up to her and kiss her, or press her body to mine in a warm embrace. I wish I could get these thoughts out of my mind. Why did it have to be the one girl in this town that I know I could never have. 

It had to be Betty Cooper.


Betty Cooper:

"Hey Betty, I know me and you haven't really got much time to talk lately," Veronica smiles, whilst sitting beside me at our lunch table. I glance over towards her, taking in the captivating ravened haired girl who managed to snag Archie from me. I hate it that I don't hate her.

"Yeah, sorry about that...Just haven't been in the best mood these past couple of weeks," I admit, turning to face her. Maybe she's not as bad as I thought.

"Anything I can help with," she smiles a genuine smile. I shake my head in disagreement. No she can't know that I've liked Archie.

"Well if you need someone to talk to...I'm here. Even though we don't really know each other, I'd like to...I have a feeling that we'll come to be great friends," she explains, looking me in the eyes once more, before standing up from the table. Leaving me, to think. Should I trust her or not. 


Jughead Jones:

"What are you asking me to do," I ask principle Wetherbee. Sitting down in one of the office chairs placed in front of his desk.

"Betty Cooper..You may know her," He asks, also taking a seat.

"Yes I know her, but that still doesn't answer my question," I spit back.

"Right..well as you may know she's working for the Blue & Gold, and as I know you are one talented guy when it comes to writing," he smiles, trying to persuade me to do something, that I know will not be good for me..At all.

"Yes, and what are you suggesting," I ask, already knowing the answer. I'm screwed.

"I want you to help Betty with the paper..This will be good for you," he smiles. yeah right, do you really mean hell. "It'll be good for your social skills, you graduate in 1 year and you don't have anything for your college applications yet, this will be good for that,"

"Do I really have much say in this," I ask, my hands come up to grasp at my beanie. Pulling it down back on my head. 

"Not really, it's either this or you join some other club...Betty needs the help right now, and I have a feeling that you two will come to be a great team," 

yep I'm really screwed. 


Betty Cooper:

"So I heard something interesting today," Kevin asks walking into my room and plopping down beside me on my bed. I look over at him, confusion on my face.

"What are you talking about,"

"I heard that Jughead is going to be your new partner for the Blue & Gold," he replies, causing me to lean up on my elbows in surprise.

"Wait what..who did you hear that from," I question in uncertainty.

"I heard that Wetherbee had a talk with him during lunch, and apparently he has to," Kevin quickly dismisses the crazy information when he sees my new CD's.

For some reason in the pit of my stomach, I feel like this is really bad. Why is that, and then it hits me..I know who I had that dream about. 

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