Chapter 6

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Betty Cooper:

"Betty I have something I need to tell you," Veronica suddenly says, I lean up from my bed glancing over at her as she walks into my room.

"What V," I question in confusion, seeing that worry on her face.

"Something happened, and I don't know how you're going to react. And I don't want to ruin our friendship," she rambles on, barely meeting my eyes.

"Ronnie what's wrong, you can tell me anything," I comfort her, trying to get an answer out of her.

"Me and Archie kissed, and I really like him....And I think he likes me too," she finally mutters under her breathe, almost so lowly I could barely hear her.

I didn't know what to think or how to feel. I knew that I really didn't have the same feelings for Archie anymore, but yet their was still a slight pang in my chest. That I tried my best to ignore, I know I somehow have weird feelings for Jughead, even though he's oblivious to it.

"It's okay, if you like him then go for it," I finally make up my mind, deciding that it was the best thing to say and surprisingly enough I wasn't mad.

"Really but I thought-,"

"He doesn't like me, he'll never like me...And honestly I don't ever seeing anything romantic happening between us...Everything's been really confusing lately, with all of my feelings. But I think I've made my mind up about them finally," I explain, her eyes finally meeting mine as they hold uncertainty.

"And what is that," she asks in curiosity.

"I like Jughead, and even though we don't really talk that much yet, I have a feeling that we'll come to be good friends again and if something happens between us along the way I'll be more than happy...So I want you to be happy, and if Archie makes you happy then let him," I smile her way, her face brightening as she also smiles.

"Thanks B," she leans forward to hug me.


Jughead Jones:

Betty Cooper, she's acted different lately. Never meeting my eyes always trying her best to ignore my presence. I don't know what I did to make her mad, or if it's even anger she feels towards me. But It's making me mad, the fact that I can't stand her not being herself around me.

So I planned on confronting her about it, probably a bad plan. But It's something I had to do.
"Hey we need to talk," I demanded walking into the blue and gold office. Shutting the door behind me, she turned to me a look of worry and fear on her face.
"About what," she questioned pretending to act oblivious to the topic.
"You know what I'm talking about," I roll my eyes at her, getting frustrated.

She doesn't say anything she just sits there and stares at me with those big beautiful eyes of hers.
" why have you been ignoring me, are you mad at me for some reason," I suddenly ask wanting to hurry up and know the real reason to it all.
" you think I'm mad at you," she chuckles standing up from behind her desk, to walk over to me.

" jug, I'm not mad okay it's just, things have been really confusing lately. And your not the easiest person to talk to, no offense," she sighs, her cheeks flushing for some unknown reason.

"I know, and that's why I want to be friends again. I want to be able to be there for you Betty," I mumble slightly under my breathe. Feeling a little embarrassed at my statement.

" I do too," she admits, surprising me. And what she does next completely catches me off guard.
She quickly leans into embrace me in a hug. Our chests touching causing my nerve cells to ignite. I can already feel my blood pressure rising at the sudden contact. I finally wrap my arms around her waist as I give into the hug, taking in the moment that I hope will happen again.

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