Chapter 17

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Betty Cooper:

It was Jughead's dad, asking where he was. He soon left, giving me a kiss goodbye as we hugged. So that just happened, I wasn't expecting that at all. I make my way upstairs to my bedroom, looking out of the large window beside my bed. Looking down at the lit up street, a silhouette of Jughead walking away into the night. The moon lighting up his back, showing his denim jacket. I smile to myself, glancing at my mirror for a second to see my hair and still flushed face. A shower that's what I need.


The next morning at school was slightly tense, considering the fact that the entire day I was getting glares from Archie and Reggie who he's been hanging out with. I was put off for the rest of the day, for some reason having a really bad feeling about something. I hadn't seen Jughead yet today, which was surprising. He usually beats me to the Blue & Gold office. Already tapping away on his laptop, but today when I got there. Still no sign of him. 

TO Jug:

Hey are you sick?

I sit staring at my phone, waiting for a reply that doesn't come. What the hell. 


"Hey V have you seen Jughead today," I ask at lunch, sitting across from her and Cheryl. 

She shakes her head, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"No why," she asks.

"I haven't seen him since last night, and now he isn't answering his phone," I glance down at my phone for what seems like the hundredth time today. Still no sign that he's okay. 

"I'm sure he's fine, why don't you take the rest of lunch off and go over to his house. See if he's home," she suggests, I nod. I might as well try. 

I stand from the picnic table, walking over to the parking lot. Not even bothering to go back inside the school and sign out. 


Driving into the south side of town was weird. It was a strange feeling to see how different it was compared to where I lived. It didn't take me long to get to his trailer park. Noticing straight away which one was his, seeing the Jones mail box out front. 

I knock on the door a couple of times, scanning my surroundings as I wait for an answer. The grass is a dull shade of green, most of it taken up by gravel. Not many plants or trees around the area. It seemed like even this part of town was more cloudy. Like it was mean't to be that way. 

The door squeaking open brings me back from my thoughts. I notice Jughead straight away, he looks exhausted. Dark circles under his eyes, and his hair a tangled mess. His beanie not placed on his head, and it seems like he literally just quickly slid on some clothes. 

"Betts....what are you doing here?" he questions, bringing a hand up to rub his eyes. 

"I was worried, I hadn't seen you and you weren't answering you're phone. I've had a really bad feeling for some reason, so I just came to check on you," I ramble, seeing as a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"I'm fine Betty," he reassures me, pulling me into his embrace. Warmth taking over me quickly, as his hands placed themselves on the small of my back. 

"Are you sick," I question pulling away to meet his exhausted eyes once again. 

"Yeah I think so, I wasn't feeling well this morning so I ended up over sleeping..Until now that is," A slight chuckle breaks through his words. 

"Shit I woke you up didn't I...I'm sorry," I hide my face in his chest. 

"It's fine I mean it Betts," he reassures me once again. His fingers tracing ever so slightly across my cheek bone. A warm smile on his pink lips. 

"Well I guess I better be heading back to school, let you get some sleep," I state. About to leave his grasp but he holds me in place. Surprising me. 

"No stay, we can watch a movie and besides it's the end of the day," he suggests. That sounds perfect honestly. I nod my head in agreement, as he opens the door wider for me to enter. I remember this place, it still looks exactly the same. The same vintage furniture placed in the same place just like it had been years ago. 

"So what do you want to watch," his arms drapes over my shoulder as we sit on the couch. I snuggle in closer to him as I get comfortable. I smug smile appearing on my lips when I think of the perfect movie. 

"Rebel without a cause," I laugh. Seeing as he brightly smiles in my direction before turning on the movie. Not even asking why, it's like he had read my mind. 

"I love this movie," He smiles in my direction. 

"I love you," I cheekily reply, turning my attention back to the TV. Not bothering to see his reaction, but I soon feel his fingers interlace with mine. Warmth overtaking my senses once again.




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