1 week later/ waking up

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Jeff's POV

I've been by Lita's side for the whole week because I've been told that she has gone into a coma because of that punch was straight to her head. Trish, Randy, Ashley and Matt have visited Matt told me what happened he also told me that it was Thomas who sent those messages. 

End of POV

Trish's POV

I've just had a match with Ash now we are walking back to my locker room her stuff is in there she asked if she could leave it there I agreed. 

Ashley: can't believe that Lita has been in the hospital 3 times

Trish: I know I hope she's okay

Ashley: have you rang Jemma?

Trish: I don't know if I should after what happened

Ashley: she did apologise more than once 

Trish: I know but what she did to me and what Thomas did to Lita and the others

Ashley: I know but don't you think Jemma deserves a second chance 

Trish: well yeah but.......

???: I am not having Thomas in this building or even near me

I looked at Ashley and she looked back we shrugged our shoulders and we looked out of the door and we saw Matt and Randy talking to a guard and a Official. 

Ashley: should we see what's going on?

Trish: yeah 

We walked out of the room and headed for Matt and Randy.

Ashley: what's going on here?

Official: girls can you please leave

Matt: no they stay here

Guard: okay

Trish: so what is going on?

Guard: a guy called Thomas wants to see you and a girl called Jemma wants in

I looked at Ashley she looked back I turned to face the guard.

Trish: kick Thomas out and let Jemma in

Matt: what!

Guard: okay

Then the guard walked off to get Jemma

Randy: what! Are you nuts?

Matt: she hurt you

Trish: I am well aware of that Matt but I believe everyone deserves a second chance well everyone but people like Thomas.

Ashley: yeah you go Trish

Randy: you put her up to this Ash?

Ashley: it's Trish's choice not mine if she wants to give Jemma a second chance she can

Matt: come on Randy

They walked away I looked at Ashley and she looked worried.

???: Trish ..... Ashley

I turned around and saw Jemma

T&A: hey Jemma 

Jemma: hey girls

 We walked to my locker room and started to talk about random stuff until there was a knock at the door.

Jemma: I'm so sorry for everything can we start over like we just met and forget everything

Ashley: sure

*Knock Knock*

I got up and opened the door and saw Matt with Randy behind him I don't think they are happy.

Jeff Hardy and LitaWhere stories live. Discover now