Bringing up the past

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Lita's POV

I can't believe that I'm gonna tell them about what happened with me and Sam also me and my family.

Trish: I'll be here and we won't judge you.

Lita: *sighs*

I'm worried about telling them now.

Lita: okay well as you might not know that me and my family are not on good terms because I wanted to do this when they wanted me do something else. I also dated Sam the guy who was just here and I was close to my cousin Dylan the other guy who was here. I'll start with Sam

Trish: you okay?

Lita: yeah, anyway me and Sam dated and I thought he loved me for who I was but I found out that he was using me and he cheated on me, the way I found out was when he came home with lipstick on his collar, then a few days later he brought the girl home while I was at work well as he thought I stayed home and I saw him with the girl and I broke up with him and after that I haven't let anyone in my heart.

Ashley: oh my gosh Lita I'm so sorry

Lita: it's okay

Trish: do you want to tell about your family

Lita: all they did was abandoned me once they found out that I work here. Then Dylan comes here and asks for forgiveness after what he did to me.

Jeff: I'm so sorry Lita about what your family did

Lita: it's okay

Matt: you have a new family

Lita: I do?

Trish: of course you have me, Matt, Ashley and Randy

Jeff: *smiles*

Lita: thanks guys

Jeff: no problem

Lita: *smiles*

Trish: you feeling better now

Lita: yeah

Jeff: we're always here for you

Matt: and like Trish said we won't judge you

Ashley: so we all friends now?

Trish: yup *smiles*

Lita: *smiles*

Matt: me and Trish have got to go I promised her to take her somewhere

Trish: oh yeah you did *smiles* bye guys

They walked out of the door so then it left me, Jeff, Randy and Ashley

Ashley: come on Randy lets go back to the hotel room I'm tired

Randy: okay bye guys

Jeff: bye

They walked out and now it turned into a awkward silence.

Jeff: Lita?

Lita: yeah

Jeff: I'm always here if you need me

Lita: thanks Jeff you're really sweet

Jeff: thanks and I understand with the broken heart and guarding your heart

Lita: you do?

Jeff: yeah

Lita: *hugs Jeff* I'm sorry for whatever happened to you,

Jeff: thanks

Lita: no problem Jeff *smiles*

Jeff: Lita

Lita: yeah?

Jeff: can I tell you something?

Lita: sure what is it?

Jeff: well since you told us about why you ....

Lita: how I got my heart hurt what about it?

Jeff: well ....

Lita: Jeff?

Jeff: well something similar happened to me as well

Lita: *shocked* Jeff are you sure you wanna tell me because you look nervous. You don't have to tell me Jeff

Jeff: I know but since you told us I think that I should tell you mine and why?

Lita: you sure?

Jeff: yeah

Lita: okay

Jeff: well I was dating this girl called Demi and we were in love or so I thought. Someone told me that she was cheating on me I didn't believe them at first but then I saw her kissing my best friend well my ex best friend now. I was heartbroken my brother wasn't happy with her when she came to my house we fell out and I broke up with her and then before I slammed the door shut she shouted out that she was using me.

Lita: Jeff I'm so sorry *hugs him* I'm here for you and so is the others. I'll always be here for you don't forget that.

Jeff: *smiles* I won't Lita

Lita: *smiles* now off the upsetting bit let's start talking about each other and what we like and that.

Jeff: okay I'll go first my full name is Jeffery Nero Hardy.

Lita: I know that

Jeff: what?

Lita: sorry your brother told me

Jeff: ugh I'm gonna kill him

Lita: no I find that name cute my friends cousin has that name well kind of from what I remember their middle name was Nero.

Jeff: oh *smiles*

We kept talking about each other and what we liked until Coach came in.

Coach: Jeff you have a match against the undertaker

Jeff: okay

Then he walked out I turned to Lita.

Lita: be careful Jeff

Jeff: I will

Lita: promise

Jeff: I promise

Lita: good because I've seen what the undertaker does to his opponents and let's just say it's not pretty.

Jeff: I'll be fine

Lita: okay

Jeff: *smiles*

I walked with Jeff to the curtain, Jeff didn't want me there just in case.

Trish: Lita come on

Lita: one second

Trish: okay

Jeff: go with Trish I'll be fine

Lita: you sure?

Jeff: I'm sure

Lita: okay good luck Jeff

Jeff: thanks Lita

I ran off with Trish

End of POV 

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