Explaining/ unexpected visitor

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Matt's POV

I over heard Trish talking about cutting oh my gosh she hasn't has she?

Trish: h...hi babe

Matt: what did you do?

Trish: what do you mean?

Matt: Trish please tell me you haven't been cutting

Trish: no well.....

Matt: Trish?

Lita: *whispers* Trish you've got to tell him

Trish: I'll tell you but not here

Matt: okay

We all walked to mine and Jeff's locker room by "we" I mean me, Jeff, Trish, Lita, Randy and Ashley.

Ashley: so

Matt: Trish is going to tell me something

Trish: no I think I should tell all of you

Lita: Trish you sure about this

Trish: *sighs* I'm sure I need to get it off my chest anyway

Lita: okay but I'm here okay

Trish: okay

Jeff: what's going on?

Trish: Matt overheard mine and Lita's conversation

Randy: okay 

Trish: *looks at Lita*

Lita: you don't have to tell the others you can just tell Matt if you're nervous.

Trish: no if you can tell your story then I think I can tell mine. 

Ashley: don't worry Trish we won't judge you 

Lita: *smiles*

Trish: *takes a deep breath* okay it was in high school year 10 to be exact. I was dating a boy named Thomas and I thought he loved me but it was a lie, on a Monday morning I saw him with my best friend Jemma I thought they were having a nice chat then they kissed right in front of me. Thomas admitted that I was just a toy and then he started to bully me I lost my best friend that day and she turned her back on me. My parents didn't know about the bullying it got worse and I started to self harm. No one noticed it until my sister saw my arm she told my parents they went in the school and told them. Thomas and his mates got told off *looks down* I ended up going in the hospital from losing too much blood and this is where Lita comes in.

Matt: *hugs Trish* babe it's okay that guy isn't here, he won't bully you

Jeff: but what do you mean by 'this is where Lita comes in'

Lita: I saw Trish at the hospital this is when we didn't know each other I over heard the doctor saying that she needs some blood to survive since she lost so much I volunteered to give some of mine when Trish was healthy I went to visit her and told her that I gave her some of my blood and she thanked me and we became friends.

Trish: and we promised we will stay friends forever

Matt: I'm glad Trish is okay and when I see that guy I'll kill him

Lita: *smiles*

Jeff: well I'm glad that they are both okay but I agree with Matt and I won't hold him back.

???: Trish? 

I looked towards the door and saw a girl with a guy behind her. The guy has black hair, blue eyes, looks to be 6ft 2 while the girl had brown hair with green eyes and looks to be 5ft 3

Jeff Hardy and LitaWhere stories live. Discover now