Starting over (Lita and Jeff)

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Lita's POV

Trish and the rest haven't come back yet. How long does it take to get a drink seriously my phone is on 30% so I'm not risking it, Jeff is still asleep he looks like he's been in a gang. I smiled at him he opened his eyes I stopped smiling he saw me and slowly sat up.

Jeff: h...hey

Lita: hey how you feeling?

Jeff: better, well my head still hurts

Lita: not surprised getting a ladder hit in your face.

Jeff: you know you didn't have to come down to the ring and help me

Lita: hey it's the least I could do also I know you would've done the same for me.

Jeff: yeah

Lita: Jeff you know I hate it when I see you hurt like this.

Jeff: you sound like my brother

Lita: 'cause I care for you Jeff and I love you I don't want to loose you

I realised what I just said and covered my mouth with my hand, Jeff just stared at me.

Lita: I .... I gotta go

Jeff: no Lita wait

I quickly ran out of the room don't know where.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Lita still loves me, I still love her but when she said that she ran I told her to wait but she had already ran I wanted to run after her but I couldn't cause of the pain ah fuck I hate RVD for doing this to me. I sighed and closed my eyes until I heard a bang.

Jeff: Lita?

I saw no one then I heard my brother sigh Trish, Randy and Ashley they walked in and smiled at me.

Matt: you good bro

Jeff: yeah

Trish: where's Lita?

Jeff: that's the thing I don't know

Ashley: *sighs* let's go Trish

Matt: no I'll go you two stay here

Ashley: but.....

Randy: I'll stay here with you so you don't run.

Matt: I'm just keeping you safe I promise I won't be long

Jeff: hurry up

Matt: okay

Matt ran out of the room and the others turned to face me. Looking for a explanation.

Randy: well?

Jeff: she told me that she loved me and then she realised what she said and she covered her mouth I told her to wait since I still love her but she had already ran.

Trish: *sighs* typical Lita

Ashley: true

End of POV

Matt's POV

I was running through the hall ways searching for Lita when I saw a bit of red hair I walked towards her and saw Lita sitting on some boxes.

Matt: hey

Lita: *jumps* Matt don't scare me like that

Matt: sorry but why did you run away from my brother when you told him that you still loved him?

Lita: Jeff told you didn't he?

Matt: yeah he told all of us

Lita: I don't know I'm just scared of being hurt again

Jeff Hardy and LitaWhere stories live. Discover now