Hospital visit

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Jeff's POV

I got to the hospital and walked in the front desk saw me and I think they knew who I was straight away.

Lady: oh my gosh

Jeff: hi umm I'm here to visit Lita from room 525

Lady: she's been moved Mr. Hardy

Jeff: to what room?

Lady: room 345

Jeff: okay

Lady: do you need any help Jeff Hardy

Jeff: umm no thanks

I then walked off she creeped me out a little I went to find room 345. I finally found it and I opened the door to see Lita smiling I smiled back

Lita: hey Jeff

Jeff: hey Lita how you feeling?

Lita: better

Jeff: do you know who ambushed you?

Lita: Maria, Melina but it wasn't just them it was also Chris Masters and Gangrel.

Jeff: don't worry me, Matt and Trish will get pay back.

Lita: I can't wrestle for a month or 2 can I?

Jeff: nope *smiles*

Lita: *smiles back* where is Trish?

Jeff: she should be on her way with Matt she waited for him plus Matt won't let Trish out of his sight now.

Lita: I find that cute

Jeff: he use to do that to me when he saw me get hurt when I jumped off a production truck.

Lita: I saw that where who were you up against Umga was it?

Jeff: I think so well from what I remember but off me let's focus on you getting better.

Lita: Jeff

Jeff: yes?

Lita: how come you're being nice to me?

Jeff: well starters you remind me of me when I get hurt, second I'm here to keep you company and third well I was hoping we could be friends *smiles*.

Lita: I'd like to be friends *smiles*

???: LITA

Lita: hey Trish..... hey Matt

Matt: hey Lita how you feeling?

Lita: better *faces Trish* I need you to do me a favour

Trish: what is it?

Lita: find another team mate and take down Maria and Melina

Jeff: then me and Matt will take down Masters and Gangrel

Matt: ye..... wait what?

Jeff: sorry Matt are you in or are you out I promise Lita that I would get pay back.

Matt: yeah I'll help

Trish: you get better Lita

Lita: *smiles* Trish you'll never change

Trish: do you want me to?

Lita: nope

Trish: good 'cause I'm here to stay *smiles*

Lita: can I talk to Trish alone boys, go get yourself a drink

Matt: you want one Trish?

Trish: yes please

Matt: you Lita do you want a drink?

Lita: yeah sure see you guys in a min

Boys: bye

Me and Matt walked out of the room and headed to the cafe

Matt: Jeff

Jeff: what?

Matt: don't deny it but you like Lita don't you?

Jeff: Matt

Matt: what?

Jeff: I'm not opening up my heart to anyone else until I find the one.

Matt: but Jeff, Lita could be the one for you

End of POV

Trish's POV

I saw the door close and the boys walk off I turned to Lita.

Trish: what's up?

Lita: have you seen how Jeff acts around me?

Trish: no why?

Lita: he's always smiling at me, he's well it's hard to explain really but if you're with me and he does it you'll know.

Trish: I know but he won't open up his heart...... like you

Lita: I have a reason Trish and I don't want to bring it up

Trish: I understand but will you ever open your heart again. 

Lita: depends on who I open up my heart to

Trish: why don't you start hanging out with Jeff and see what he is like 

Lita: okay 

End of POV

Matt's POV

I am walking back to Lita's hospital room with my brother.

Matt: bro

Jeff: what?

Matt: will you ever open up your heart again?

Jeff: I don't know plus it depends on who it is really.

Matt: what about Lita?

Jeff: well I don't fully know her.

Matt: well get to know her and then see what happens from there.

Jeff: guess you're right 

Matt: come on 

We walked in and saw Trish and Lita smiling well Trish was smiling.... Lita was well looking down.

Matt: what has gone on?

Trish: nothing why do you ask babe

Matt: well Lita looks upset.

Trish: oh 

Lita: huh?

Trish: she's tired 

Jeff: you sure 

Trish: yeah 

Lita: yeah I'm tired 

Matt: okay 

Doctor: okay visiting times are over

Jeff: bye Lita

Lita: bye Jeff

Matt: bye Lita 

Lita: bye Matt .... look after Trish 

Matt: I will

Lita: *smiles*

Trish: Lita when you come out of here come straight for me okay

Lita: bye Trish *hugs her*

Trish: *hugs back* bye 

Me, Jeff and Trish walked out of Lita's room and out of the building 

End of POV

Jeff Hardy and LitaWhere stories live. Discover now