the talk/hospital

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Trish's POV

I walked to the other end of the parking lot and I felt Matt's hands in mine.

Matt: what's wrong?

Trish: I'm worried

Matt: about Lita?

Trish: yeah but I'm also worried that you will leave me

Matt: Trish I won't ever leave you I love you so much

Trish: promise you'll love me forever

Matt: I promise

Trish: *smiles*

Jeff: Trish do you want to go to the hospital with Lita

Trish: Jeff I can't I have a match against Melina

Jeff: okay I know Matt has a match do you want me to go Trish?

Trish: if you wouldn't mind

Jeff: not at all *smiles* I'll let you know everything Trish

Trish: okay

Me and Matt saw Jeff get in the ambulance once the ambulance was out of sight me and Matt turned around and I saw Tori in the ring.

I stormed to the curtain and got a microphone


oh it's time to rock and roll

This time I'm in control

Right now I own the streets

Got the keys to the city

That's 'cause I get down

I walked down to the ramp which stopped Tori on what she was saying, I looked behind me for a second and I saw Matt behind me.

Tori: what do you want?

Trish: I want a explaination

Tori: for what?

Trish: don't play dumb with me Tori I know your the one who attacked my best friend.

Tori: I did not attack Lita

Crowd: *chanting* you suck

Tori: *faces the crowd* I didn't attack her

Trish: keep lying Tori because no one will believe you

Tori: I promise you that I had nothing to do with the attack of Lita I'm not one of those divas who attack their opponents backstage I'm not a coward like other divas.

Trish: oh really? I know you're lying and so does Matt oh wait and some other divas because you have attacked me from behind and Matt saw you and you've attacked other divas.

Tori: please you are just so childish Trish I'm done with conersation.


I turned my head and saw Vince

Vince: I want you two go in a match tonight so ladies and gentleman tonight's enertainment you will see in this ring tonight you will see Trish Stratus vs Tori may the best female win.

Then he walked backstage I turned around and glared at Tori she slide out of the ring and ran up the ramp. Then me and Matt slid out of the ring well Matt got out and he then helped me out and we walked back up the ramp to see if Jeff contacted us on Lita's condition.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I was heading up the hospital with Lita I wonder who attacked her, whoever attacked her is just sick.

Doctor: are you Miss Dumas boyfriend?

Jeff: no I'm her friend

Doctor: I'm sorry sir I need to tell either her boyfriend or a family member.

Jeff: oh hold I need to make a phone call so you can talk to someone

Doctor: okay sir

I got my phone out and rang Trish she knows a lot about Lita not me or Matt

*phone call*

???: hello

Jeff: hey Trish it's Jeff

Trish: Jeff is Lita okay? Is there anything wrong?

Jeff: well I don't know for sure

Trish: what do you mean "you don't know"

Jeff: the doctor won't tell me anything I have to either be family or a loved one

Trish: oh pass me onto the doctor

Jeff: okay

I passed the phone to the doctor I stayed where I was.

Doctor: hello is this a family member of Miss Dumas

I could hear Trish

Trish: no I'm her friend but you've got to tell me how she is, her family is on holiday and she doesn't like to talk about them I'm her best friend I treat her like my own sister please let me know how she is.

Doctor: may I ask what happened?

Trish: she had a fight with her parents because they wanted a different career for her when she wanted something else.

Doctor: okay so she has a few broken ribs, she may have a broken neck but she will be out of wrestling for a month or two since the injury that she had with her ribs and her neck but the nurses may suspect a broken arm.

Trish: okay but will she be ready for summerslam

Doctor: when's that

Trish: in a month

Doctor: we'll keep an eye on her and we'll let umm

Trish: it's Jeff Hardy who's with you right now

Doctor: okay we will keep Mr. Hardy informed so he can tell you umm

Trish: I'm Trish .... Trish Stratus

Doctor: okay I gotta get some work done

Trish: okay thank you

*End of phone call*

The doctor gave me my phone back and I put it back in my pocket and sat in the waiting room. I was bored waiting to see if Lita is in a good condition to have visitors.

Doctor: Mr. Hardy

Jeff: yes

Doctor: Miss Dumas is stable to have visitors

Jeff: thank you what room is she in?

Doctor: 252

Jeff: okay thank you

I got up and walked out of the room lookng for room 252.

253,254 .... finally 252 I opened the door and walked in and saw Lita she looked beautiful..... Jeff no you promised not to fall in love with another girl until you find the one. *Sighs* I sat down beside her gosh poor Lita no one deserves to be ambushed from behind especially Lita

End of POV

Jeff Hardy and LitaWhere stories live. Discover now