Trish saves Lita

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Trish's POV

I ran into the ring ready to attack Tori and Maria but I ended up getting hit in my back I looked up and saw Edge and Gangrel they were smirking at me I then saw Maria and Tori laughing the crowd was booing them. 

End of POV

Lita's POV

I saw Trish run down to my aid she then got knocked down like me then from the corner of my eye I saw Matt Hardy run down with his brother 

J.R: what's this

Jerry: it's Matt Hardy

J.R: and his brother Jeff 

They got in the ring and then Gangrel and Edge climbed out of the ring 

Maria: oh you two got lucky that your boyfriends saved you 

Tori: but watch your backs

Then they walked back stage and I got helped up by Jeff while Trish got helped up by Matt they do look cute together Trish walked over to me while holding on to Matt.

Trish: you okay?

Lita: yeah let's get out of here 

Trish: yeah you need relax after that

Lita: *smiles*

I walked back stage well limping because Edge and Gangrel hurt my back and a bit of my leg they were about to get a chair until Trish came and then the Hardy's 

Trish: Lita I'll meet you after the show

Lita: okay see ya Trish

Trish: *smiles*

Matt and Trish walked off while Jeff helped me to my locker room.

Jeff: are you okay?

Lita: yeah thank you for helping me *smiles*

Jeff: no problem Lita hope to see you around

Lita: yeah hope to see you around Jeff 

Jeff smiled at me and then he walked out of my locker room I got out of my ring gear and got changed into my normal clothes since I don't have another match tonight.

*knock knock*

Lita: come in

I saw Trish walked in

Trish: hey Lita how are you?

Lita: I'm okay Trish but my back is a little sore from what they used.

Trish: well you won the match because of Tori getting counted out but I knew you could win without her getting counted out.

Lita: okay off me you got to tell me how Matt found out? When did he ask you?

Trish: well I was talking to Mickie since she knows well I said that I liked him and he just opened the door and he was standing there with his brother behind him and then a few days later he asked me out and I said yes.

Lita: I'm so happy for you because you deserve to be happy after everything that has gone on in your life.

Trish: thanks and so do you but you need to get over your ex because I can still see it in your eyes 

Lita: I want to forget him but how can I do that?

Trish: find someone else who treats you better than he did, the only two boys that I know who can treat girls right but one of them is taken and the other one is Jeff.

Lita: Jeff?

Trish: yeah he treats a girl right unfortunately he had a bad past of dating because..... well I don't want to say anything 'cause if he finds out that I said this he won't be happy.

Lita: okay I promise I won't say anything

Trish: *smiles* I'm gonna visit Matt 

Lita: don't you have a match?

Trish: no but ..... I think Matt and Jeff have a match

Lita: okay tell them I said hi... oh and Trish

Trish: yeah?

Lita: you know which hotel I'll be in if you need me?

Trish: yeah don't worry bye Lita

I packed up and I walked out of my locker room and headed to my hotel room I need to relax after what Maria and Tori did to me well Gangrel and Edge.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I walked back to Matt's locker room and I saw Jeff in there.

Trish: hey Jeff

Jeff: *looks up* oh hey Trish .... Matt isn't here he went looking for you 

Trish: oh where is he?

Jeff: I don't know all I know is that he went looking for you and if I know my brother he wouldn't want you to walk around especially what happened in the ring.

Trish: I know so is it okay if I stay here?

Jeff: yeah it's fine

TV: moments ago folks we've just seen Lita walking until she got ambushed again

Trish: LITA

I saw Jeff cover his ears

Trish: sorry Jeff it's just I........

Jeff: it's okay but explain to me later first let's get Lita

Trish: yeah

We ran to the parking lot and I saw Matt there already.

Trish: Matt how come your here? Like before us

Matt: I was looking for you and I thought you would be back here but you weren't and that's when I saw Lita knocked out I wondered when you would come *sees Jeff* I'm glad your safe both of you.

Trish: Matt?

Matt: yeah

Trish: I need to ask you something but in private.

Matt: okay

Jeff: don't worry I'll look after Lita

Trish: thank you Jeff

Jeff: no problem

End of POV

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