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Jeff's POV

I heard Lita's laugh along with Ashley's and Trish's. I'm not happy with Lita how could she kiss someone else while we were dating I told my brother and Randy the conversation between the girls and they said break up with her. I saw her walk around the corner she saw me and smiled I didn't smile back she frowned. 

Lita: hey ba.........

Jeff: don't call me that

Ashley: *whispers to Trish* this is not gonna end good

Trish: *nods*

Lita: what's wrong?

Jeff: I can't go on any longer Lita

Lita: why?

Jeff: I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you

Lita: the hell Jeff 

Jeff: I'm sorry

Lita: no you're not sorry, I've been hurt 3 times I've been in a hospital 3 bloody times, I saved you from getting hit and then you break up with me that's selfish 

Jeff: at least I don't go around kissing other girls while I'm in a relationship

Lita: I have been loyal to you so where di you get that idea!!

Jeff: Trish dialled me and I heard that guy walk in and told you that he kissed you

Trish: *rolls eyes* I didn't call you 

Ashley: non of us rang you Hardy

???: what's the commotion *sees Lita* cheater

I looked behind me and saw Matt and Randy.

Randy: no wonder your past relationships didn't work you cheated on them.

Lita: you don't know me Orton so stop acting like you do!!

Trish: I thought you were the one Matt, the one who was there for me when I needed you but I guess I need to keep looking.

Ashley: and I thought you were the one Randy but I see that I was wrong about that

Lita: Jeff.... I loved you with all of my heart and you believed a guy who put me in the hospital ,when I was trying to protect you from getting hit, and you said you would never hurt me and you will always be there for me but you lied. I thought you were the right one Jeff but I guess I was wrong as well. 

Then the girls walked off

End of POV

Lita's POV

I can't believe what the boys just said I got to my locker room and sat down.

Trish: we're sorry Lita

Lita: it's not your fault it's Jeff's for believing a guy who put me in hospital.

Ashley: I know 

Trish: *hugs Lita*

Lita: *hugs back*

Ashley: *joins the hug* we are in this together

Lita: yeah

Trish: I'm glad Lita is home 

Lita: it's good to be home 

???: Lita?

I looked at the door.

Trish: who is it?

???: it's Jemma

Lita: come in

Jemma walked in she smiled at me I smiled back.

Jemma: I'm so sorry Lita for what happened I didn't know he would do that.

Lita: it's okay I heard you want to be friends?

Jemma: yeah can we?

Lita: yeah

Jemma: thank you for giving me a another chance 

Lita: no problem

Jemma: by the way I'm sorry for your breakup

Trish: what do you mean?

Jemma: the whole argument was on the big screen and the screens backstage

Ashley: oh no


We looked at each other and then at Jemma.

Jemma: don't worry I'll answer the door

Lita: thanks

End of POV

Jemma's POV

I opened the door to see a furious Randy, Matt and Jeff.

Jemma: yes

Matt: where is Trish, Lita and Ashley

Jemma: why should I tell you

Randy: because we know that they are behind the whole thing

Jemma: whole thing? What are you on about

Jeff: the break up on the screens backstage and the big screen

Jemma: and you blame the girls

Randy: yeah who else would do that

Jemma: I know who did it but I won't tell you because you need to listen to yourselves 

Matt: what?

Jemma: you're blaming the girls you love, you are arguing all because of Trish's ex and you're blaming the girls for mentioning his name, Lita just got out of the hospital from being hit by him, when she was helping Matt and Jeff, Trish has had a bad past yes I admit I was apart of that but she forgave me, Ashley she's always been there for you Randy. Those girls have done everything they can to help you and then you turn around and blame them for something they DIDN'T DO. So I won't tell you who did it you will have to figure that out for yourself.

I slammed the door in their faces and turned around to face Lita, Trish and Ashley they were shocked.

Jemma: what?

Lita: I didn't know you were capable of having a go like that

Trish: *smiles* she's still got it

Jemma: yup 

Ashley: okay she's so seen me having a rant about stuff 

Jemma: *smiles* 

End of POV

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