Later on

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*Still at Trish and Lita's house*

Lita's POV

Me, Trish and Matt just had our tea and now Matt and Trish are in her room asleep, me on the other hand is still awake I can't sleep knowing Jeff is hurt. I am sitting on the floor beside the sofa the TV is off I don't want to wake them two up. I got my phone out and put it on silent checked social media. I got tired and I turned my phone off and I fell asleep

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I opened my eyes and saw I was in a house huh? Last time I remember I was in mine and Matt's locker room how did I get here? I sat up slowly since I've still got the pain from when I went through that table. I looked around me and I saw Lita sitting on the floor well lying on the floor she's asleep how come she sleeping here? I am so confused I then got up again slowly I think I hit something because Lita woke up and looked at me.

Lita: Jeff *whispers*

Jeff: yeah

Lita: sit down

I sat back down and Lita sat besides me

Jeff: how did I get here?

Lita: Matt brought you

Jeff: where is Matt?

Lita: it's okay he's with Trish asleep

Jeff: phew

Lita: you need to rest Jeff you don't seem yourself

Jeff: I'm not myself? I've just been put through a table

Lita: Jeff I know but please relax I don't want you getting hurt anymore

Jeff: *sighs* okay

Lita: thank you Jeff I love you and you know that

Jeff: I know I do and I love you

Lita: will you go sleep if I lay beside you?

Jeff: yeah

I laid down then Lita laid next to me and put her head on my chest. I saw her eyes close and I kissed her forehead and she smiled awe. I then fell asleep.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I got out of bed while Matt was asleep I need a drink, so I walked out of my room and saw Jeff breathing but not moving but I also saw Lita asleep next to Jeff awe she couldn't stay awake I then heard Matt wake up.

End of POV

Matt's POV

I woke up and checked the time it was 2:30am I saw Trish gone where is she? I quickly got up and looked out the door since it was open I saw her looking at Jeff I then saw Lita. She saw me and smiled at me I smiled back.

Trish: *whispers* hey

Matt: hey *whispers back*

Trish: *whispers* come on lets go back bed

Matt: yeah *whispers*

Me and Trish walked back in her room and fell asleep since we've had a stressful day.

End of POV

The next morning

Jeff's POV

I opened my eyes and saw I was the first one up I yawned which I think was a bit too loud since Lita woke up beside me.

Lita: *yawns* morning

Jeff: morning babe

Lita: you better than yesterday

Jeff: yeah a bit

Lita: I'm glad you're moving

Jeff: huh?

Lita: I'll let Matt explain

Jeff: okay

I heard a door open and out walked Trish and Matt they looked at Lita and then at me.

Matt: Jeff how you feeling?

Jeff: better

Matt: I'll be having a rematch

Jeff: great I get some revenge

Matt: actually Jeff it will be me and someone else up against the Dudley's

Jeff: what? Why not me?

Matt: you're hurt for starters and I don't want you getting hurt even more

Jeff: what even happened?

Matt: Bubba Ray put you through a table and it was bad that you weren't even moving I had to have help off Officials, Edge, Christian and HBK.

Jeff: oh

Matt: that's why

Jeff: okay

I stayed quiet, Lita looked distracted while Trish and Matt were talking.

Jeff: Lita?

She didn't respond

Trish: Lita?

Matt: Lita?

Trish: you okay Lita?

Lita just stood up and walked into her room and shut the door she didn't slam it. What's wrong she was fine earlier.

Trish: what happened?

Jeff: I don't know she was fine earlier

Matt: she was

Trish: what happened to her?

End of POV

Jeff Hardy and LitaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz