Back at WWE

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Lita's POV

Today me, Ashley and Trish get to go back to WWE yes even though we aren't wrestling we still get to go.

Trish: you ready Lita

Lita: yeah

Ashley: the boys should be here in a minute

Lita: okay

Knock knock

I opened the door and saw Matt

Matt: hey Lita

Lita: hey Matt *turns to face the girls* girls Matt's here

Trish: yay

Trish ran past me and up to Matt and she kissed his cheek and then I saw Randy.

Ashley: Randy

Randy: yeah

Ashley: *runs up to Randy and kisses his cheek*

Matt: you girls ready?

Girls: yup

Randy: wait where's Jeff?

Jeff: I'm here

Randy: *jumps* Jeff don't scare me like that

Jeff: sorry

Matt: lets go

We grabbed our stuff and headed to the cars well me and Trish went with Matt and Jeff while Ashley went with Randy.

Randy: meet you at the arena

Jeff: yeah

Me and Trish got in the back of Matt's car while Jeff got in the passenger and Matt in the driver seat.

Matt: everyone ready?

Lita: I am

Trish: and me

Jeff: yup

Matt: okay lets go

Matt put the keys in the ignition and started the engine and drove to the arena.

End of POV

Ashley's POV

It was me and Randy, Randy was driving.

Randy: you okay?

Ashley: yeah it's just gonna feel weird to be back in the WWE arena after being in the hospital for a week well 2.

Randy: it will be okay I'll be with you and so will the girls.

Ashley: I know *smiles*

At the arena

We reached the arena, 2 minutes later Matt pulled up. We got out of the car and so did Matt, Jeff, Trish and Lita I walked up to the girls.

Ashley: you girls feeling better

Lita: yup

Trish: I wanna kick some butt tonight

Matt: no Trish the doctor said not to

Lita: Matt's right Trish

Trish: do you think I listen to doctors

Lita: don't bring this up again

Ashley: what?

Lita: nothing

Trish: yeah let's go inside

Matt: y...yeah

We walked inside the arena and headed to our locker rooms Trish and Lita went with Matt and Jeff while I went with Randy.

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