coming home (Lita)

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Lita's POV

Today is the day that I get to go home I finally don't have to keep eating the hospital food which is disgusting. I don't know who is picking me up but I hope they are coming soon hate it here.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I am in my locker room well mine and my brothers locker room and it's me, Matt and Trish.

Trish: Lita is coming out today but.....

Matt: but what?

Trish: who's going to pick her up .... I can't I have a match against Jillian so either one of you two have to go.

Matt: well I have a match after you so Jeff will have to go

Trish: Jeff

Jeff: yeah

Trish: can you please pick up Lita from the hospital?

Jeff: yeah sure I'll see you guys later oh and good luck in your matches.

Trish: thanks Jeff *smiles*

Matt: thanks for the luck bro

Jeff: *smiles* okay see ya soon

I walked out of the room and headed for Matt's car he gave me the keys, anyway I unlocked the car and got in I heard my name but when I looked around no one was there so I put the key in the ignition and reved the engine and closed the door and I drove up to the hospital.

At the hospital

I finally got to the hospital and I saw Edge's car ugh why is he here? I parked the car and took the keys out and got out of the car and locked it. I then walked in the hospital and saw Edge and Christian with Lita she had a scared look on her face.

Edge: oh look it's rainbow haired boy or well they call him Jeff

Christian: haha what are you doing here Hardy?

Edge: is your brother in the hospital?

Jeff: no

Lita: how is Trish?

Edge: shut up

Lita: don't tell me what to do!

Christian: he can do what he wants

Lita: *glares*

Jeff: leave Lita alone!

Edge: oh look Christian, Hardy is trying to act tough.

Lita: just leave me alone Edge I don't like you

Edge: if you don't like me then why did you date me?

Jeff: what?

Lita: Edge I don't like you anymore you cheated on me with Jillian

Edge: it was a mistake

Lita: Jeff can we go?

Jeff: sure

I helped Lita and I heard Edge shout something that made me mad.

Edge: well Hardy you finally got yourself a girlfriend and I've seen that your brother has a girlfriend, you two are coming up in the world

Jeff: watch your mouth Edge

Edge: what are you gonna do about it?

Jeff: I'm not going to fight you here... let's go Lita

I helped Lita to Matt's car.

Lita: thanks Jeff

Jeff: no problem Lita

Lita got in the car, I then ran to my side and got in Lita was ready I put the keys in the ignition and drove to the arena.

Lita: is this your car?

Jeff: no it's Matt's I don't think he knows I'm borrowing it

Lita: *smiles*

Back at the arena

We arrived at the arena and I helped Lita to my locker room since Trish wants me in there and I don't trust Edge around Lita ...... what is happening to me?

???: bro you borrowed my car?

Jeff: yes I did Matt why?

Matt: I thought someone stole it

Jeff: sorry where's Trish?

Matt: she was here a minute ago


I looked at where Lita was looking and I saw Trish on the floor Lita slowly ran up to Trish

Lita: Trish wake up please

Trish: *opens her eyes* Lita?

Lita: yes it's me come on *helps her up*

???: I thought you were in the hospital?

Lita: well I came home Maria

Maria: *glares* pfft you should've stayed in the hospital because you are so weak Lita

Lita: *glares*

End of POV

Trish's POV

I just had my match and I'm exhausted I won and now I'm making my way to the Hardy's locker room when I got hit on the head. When I came around I saw Lita, Jeff and Matt I'm glad Lita is back.

Trish: Lita you okay?

Lita: y..yeah

Trish: no your not tell me please

Lita: *sighs* one word Edge

Trish: what? What did he do?

Lita: trying to ruin my life

Trish: you were in the hospital so how come Edge was near her

Lita: I was waiting for either one of you when I saw Edge I was furious and then he started to say stuff which I don't really wanna say because it still hurts.

Matt: what's going on?

Trish: do you want me to say about him

Lita: if you want I just don't want him near me

Jeff:  I agree with Matt what's going on?

Trish: Edge and Lita use to date and he didn't treat her very good and now Lita has guarded her heart she doesn't want to date anyone else until she finds the one because she doesn't want her heart broken again and she doesn't want to get mis treated.

Matt: Lita I'm so sorry you've got me and Jeff and you've always had your best friend Trish

Trish: and I will always be here for you.

Matt: plus you have something in common with my brother

Lita: really?

Jeff: yeah

???: hey guys

Lita: *freezes*

Trish: Lita?

Jeff: Lita?

Lita: I...: gotta go

???: Lita wait

Lita: *runs*

Trish: *sighs* I'll get her

Matt: okay be careful

Trish: I will

I ran down the hallway to catch up to Lita

End of POV

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