Chapter 23

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The Archives were not brightly lit, probably because too much exposure to light could damage some of the many frail copies that have been stored for centuries. I expected to smell the damp, musty smell of an old library. But the usual smell of paper and moths was nowhere to be found. All the books seemed to be in pristine condition. There was no sign of dust anywhere and there were guards positioned at every corner, still and statuesque.

"How are we supposed to know what to look for?" Blaire whispered, "It's not like theres a book titled Continuum Files, Top Secret Edition

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"How are we supposed to know what to look for?" Blaire whispered, "It's not like theres a book titled Continuum Files, Top Secret Edition. Or is there?"

"I'm not sure but we got this far, didn't we? We've got to look for it," I reminded them.

"Charlee, there's hundreds of rows of books," Lavender said looking around in exasperation.

"Excuse me, ladies," a voice interrupted us.

"Yes?" Lavender spoke up in her accent.

"I'm afraid this isn't some sort of public library. You are not allowed to browse through the archives. I will bring a catalog for your selection. Please remain where you are," he said, making eye contact with one of the guards and he nodded his head.

"Wait, how are we supposed to find the files if we're not allowed to look for them?" Blaire hissed. I shook my head, imploring her to stay quiet. We remained still, trying to think of what the fuck to do. Maybe I should start by not cussing in a holy place.

"This is the catalog of items permitted to be accessed by the public. You are each allowed to view three items per day," the man explained bringing a rather heavy book. This meant that we had nine guessed in total.

"May I ask why we aren't allowed to browse the Archives?" Blaire asked and I elbowed her. We were here under suspicious enough circumstance but the man seemed unruffled by her question.

"Well the Archives contain over fifty miles of documents and artifacts dating back to the eight century. We can't have people wandering around," he explained. Blaire continued to make small talk with him while Lavender and I browsed through the catalog as quickly as we could. It definitely didn't help that the damn thing was in Latin.

Nothing was standing out, like Blaire said there was nothing that specifically shouted out Continuum Files.

"Could it be this?" Lavender asked, pointing to a title.

"No, I think that means chicken," I shook my head and kept turning frantically through the pages.

"Ladies, have you made your selection?" the man asked, breaking away from his conversation with Blaire. I wanted to cry. We got so far, how could a stupid book be the thing that stopped me now.

"We need more time," Lavender implored.

"Are you saying you don't know what you came for? Scholars allowed into the Archives should already know what documents they need for their research," he said looking at us sternly. Lavender seemed ready to panic, but suddenly I read something that caught my eye.

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