Chapter 15

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Eric's POV

I woke up in a dimly lit room with the worst sensation in the pit of my stomach. I knew that everything had gone horribly wrong. I tried to keep my eyes closed in the hopes that when I reopened them I'd find myself in the apartment, waking up from a horrible nightmare.

My body ached but it was almost ignorable in comparison to the horrible pounding of my head. This was different from anything I've experienced before. It's not the I just worked out in the sun without water kind of pounding. It's not the I just woke up hungover pounding. It was so much worse and it was intensifying with each passing second.

I eventually opened my eyes fully and inched myself up slowly. I had been placed on a simple bed with dull grey sheets. The walls were completely blank and white however they slowly merged and became other colors. There were no other furnishings except for the bed. There was no door to be seen either.

I was almost convinced this was still part of my nightmare.

Suddenly the wall to my right started to shimmer and part of it moved aside to allow a young blonde girl to step inside what I assumed was my cell. She wore a lab coat like the others but she didn't carry herself with much importance as they had. She must not be high up in the ranks.

"Don't worry, it's not bad that you slept the longest. He said your memories were the most complicated to process. It took much longer than the girl," she smiled and gently extended her hand where she held a little plastic cup.

I scoffed at her behavior. She acted as if she were some nurse visiting her favorite patient. I almost expected her to bring flowers or something.

"Go on, you'll want these," she smiled pressing the cup into my hand. Inside the cup were three inky blue pills so dark they were almost black.

"Like I'd take anything else you give us," I replied indignantly.

"I wasn't aware you enjoyed migraines," she shrugged her shoulders, her smile never faltering. She was truly becoming annoying now.

"Where is everybody else? Where is that son of a bitch who locked us up here, huh? Too scared to come face us so he sends you instead?" I yelled and begun to stand up. However the pain in my head began to grow unbearable, the corners of the room turning black.

"Take your pills, your friends are coming," she assured me, unfazed by my outburst. I glared at her and reached for the cup. It's not like it would make a difference if it were something bad, I was already locked up in here. Anything to kill the pain.

As soon as the pills landed on my tongue they began to dissolve sending a liquid goo down my throat. Before I could react I was fading away into darkness once again.





When I woke up again I was furious until I realized the headache was gone. I still felt like a train had rammed into my body but at least I could think. It didn't take long for the blonde girl to return, this time on the opposite wall.

She pushed a wheel chair in front of her and greeted me with her annoying smile.

"I see the pills worked perfectly," she said looking pleased as she approached me.

"Come on, you don't want to be late," the girl ordered, reaching over and began lifting me off the bed. For her small size she had an odd amount of strength, easily lifting my limp body off the bed and onto the wheelchair.

She placed my hand on the arm rests and strapped down my arms firmly and then did the same to my legs.

"Don't try to struggle they'll only get tighter until they eventually seep into your skin. You thought the headaches were bad?" she clicked her tongue to convey her displeasure and shook her head.

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