Chapter 14

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Important announcement at the bottom, please take a look at it :)

Charlee's POV

"No Bullet, you don't like oranges," I said shooing him away from a slice that had fallen onto the floor.  It was too late, he had already begun to eat it only to spit it out and scrunch his eyes shut at how sour the orange was. Then he proceeded to go back to attempt to eat it again.

I was hurriedly getting ready to get to Head Quarters. Aunt Ally had left a message as soon as we had arrived from Paris but I had been asleep and didn't get her phone call. I was assuming she wanted to know what we had found out and was ready to give us more information to help our case. I grabbed my parents' file and stepped out of my apartment half dressed but full of anticipation.

Blaire had a class to teach so she agreed to meet me outside of Head Quarters once I got out from the meeting with Aunt Ally. I made my way easily through Head Quarters, which was crawling with CIA agents that turned to look at me past every hallway.

I took my ID card and slid it across the appropriate slot in order to get into my office where Aunt Ally was taking residence at the moment but the machine flashed a red light and denied access to me. I tried again only to achieve the same results. Before I could try a third time two agents began walking in my direction.

"I'm sorry but you have no access to this area of Head Quarters anymore," one of the agents told me, getting a hold of my arm.

"Excuse me? Before you all came running about here I was minding my own business running Head Quarters. All 16,300 square feet of it including my own damn office," I writhed out of the agent's hold.

"I called her here, she has access to this room. Temporarily," My aunt added as she emerged from her office. The agents let go of me with slight amusement.

"Temporarily?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her as I followed her into my office. She sat on my chair and I sat across from her on the other side of the desk. The curtains were pulled tightly, allowing no sunlight into the room. Beside her a tall young man, possible nineteen or twenty stood beside her silently.

"I'm sorry Charlee. We've taken special security measures against you and your team at the moment. For your own precaution of course. Because of the high risks you've all seemed adamant to take in order to solve this case it has been moved up to level ten security. As a matter of fact almost everything in Head Quarters has been labeled level ten access only," Aunt Ally explained getting my attention away from the quiet boy.

"I'm a level ten,"I reminded her.

"Not at the moment. You and your team have been demoted to level nine, only for the moment," she reassured me but it had the exact opposite affect.

"I thought you were on our side. You left the file for us so we could find more information," I reminded her. She nodded her head.

"I did but it was a mistake. Sending you to Paris was far too dangerous. I need that file back, Charlee." she told me extending her hand.

"No, I need to help find my parents," I told her.

"Charlee, you did find your parents. And they're dead, you could be next,"

"I know. I-what I meant was I want to find who did this to them. I know where my parents are," I said remembering the funeral back in New York.

"Let us take care of it, Charlee. I don't want to see you hurt," she said extending her hand again, this time to touch mine.

"Aunt Ally, their death hurts the most," I told her.

"Well I asked you to please stay out of it. Don't make me get you a one way ticket back to New York," she said in a stern voice that reminded me of my father.

"What am I supposed to do here in Italy if we can't solve any cases?" I asked her incredulously. Her gaze on me softened.

"This is only temporary. For now I want you to concentrate on teaching at the academy," she explained. I decided there was no reasoning with her any further. I'd figure this out later. I handed over my parents' file to her.

"Who's that anyways," I asked nodding over to the boy. At the mention of his presence he shifted awkwardly and looked away.

"I'm glad you asked. This is Kyle, your new personal assistant," she said introducing him to me. He met my eyes briefly with his own pair of bright sky blue eyes. He nervously fixed his dark brown hair and offered me a hint of a smile.

"So Diane's replacement?" I asked rather coldly. Kyle looked away uncomfortable. I knew it was rude but I was glad to give my aunt a bit of hell in any way possible.

"No, I'm so horribly sorry for Diane's death and she can not be replaced. However, Kyle is one of the best interns and he'll be accompanying you, shadowing you. He will be a great agent one day with your help," she explained and I nodded my head silently.

"If you do decide to take cases they can only be level 5 cases," she reminded hastily as I got up from my seat and headed out of her office with Kyle behind me.

"Might as well be cold cases," I sighed.

Once out of Head Quarters I met up with Blaire who was just as upset as I was when I got her up to date. 

"At least you got a cute assistant out of it," Blaire shrugged and Kyle nearly tripped behind us at her comment.

"Kinda shy, isn't he?" she whispered. I nodded my head and we all continued in silence, Kyle's apparent preference.

"Look I know you're already up to your head with concerns but, where is Eric? Wasn't he supposed to be back by now? Lavender has been up my ass asking about Akio, as if I know," Blaire told me.

"I have no idea but if he isn't back in a day or two I'll sound the alarm," I assured her as we reached my apartment. Blaire went on her way and Kyle followed me inside.

"Well there isn't much to do today. Nothing I can teach you so make yourself at home," I shrugged my shoulders rummaging through my fridge for food. I made some spaghetti, offering it to Kyle who silently joined me at the dining room table.

"So where are you from?" I asked him. 

"Seattle," he replied simply with a smile.

"I hear they have great coffee there. How did you get into this er- business?" I asked him. His smile faltered if only so slightly.

"My best friend and I always wanted to do this since we were little," he explained and I decided not to question him further on that story. It was clearly more personal than he was letting on. Kyle was about to say something when there was a knock at the door.

"Don't worry about it, I've got it," I assured him seeing as he was already up from his seat ready to answer the door. I looked through the peep hole and couldn't help but catch a smile growing on my face. Eric was finally back.

I opened the door, expecting Eric to greet me as he usually does.

Instead when I opened the door I was sent flying back into the house by a punch.


Hey guys :) so I decided that this will be the last book in the Just Undercover Trilogy. However I will be creating a spin off for one of the other girls and I need your help choosing who that will be. In addition I need your support to know that you still all want to read my books so if you're still interested please let me know if you're still interested.

Without further ado, here are the girls to vote for a spin off. Comment for your choice and as always I'm happy to hear ideas of what you want the spin off to be about






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