Chapter 7

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"Agent Wynters, I can assure you no one else entered your office other than me," Diane told me with a frantic expression. I placed my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

"Diane, I know, don't worry. We have twenty-four-hour surveillance, and we're going to get to the bottom of this. Right now I need you to go back and continue doing your job, today is a busy day," I reminded her, and she nodded, looking about nervously as if she was scared the culprit were hiding within the shadows.

"How can you be so sure Diane didn't plant a bug?" I turned with a grimace as Max's voice interrupted my train of thought. I sighed.

"Diane is my assistant. She already has access to everything in my office. She doesn't need a bug to acquire information," I explained with a sense of protectiveness over my assistant. I don't even trust Max, so who is he to come here and question my assistant? For all I know he planted the bug, he has actual motives.

"I'm just saying." he shrugged his shoulders looking at me indifferently and walking away.

"Tiffany," I called out for her as she walked by.

"Yeah?" she asked me, balancing a stack of piles in one hand.

"I know you're busy, but I need you to do me a favor," I told her, pulling her to the side.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I need you to run a background check on Max," I asked her, and she shuffled from one foot to the other.

"I thought we had already cleared him?" Tiffany's lips twisted anxiously.

"Are you alright?" I questioned, giving her a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I feel weird running a background check on Ma. It's like he can read my mind or something," she half-whispered, and I gave her an amused smile.

"He's a good profiler, but he can't read minds, Tiffany,"

"I know, I know, he makes me uneasy. Look I don't have the skills to run a deep background check as you want, but I have someone who can. I'll get back to you as soon as I have the information you need," TIffany nodded her head, and I thanked her.

The rest of the day went by slowly at Head Quarters. Every time I interacted with another agent, I couldn't help but wonder how well I knew the people I worked with. There was a sense of anxiousness amongst everyone since the news about the bug had spread around quickly.

Security kept walking in and out of my office, preventing me from doing desk work, so instead, I had to keep myself busy outside of the office. Every time I talked to someone, it seemed as if they had a compulsory need to shove an alibi down my throat. Assuring me that they hadn't gone a hundred feet near my office and wow had I noticed that the shirt I was wearing today brought out my eyes?

So far no progress had been made on finding out who had planted the bug, but Blaire had already begun to make a list of possible suspects. And of course, Max was at the very top, since after all, I wasn't the only one who was uneasy around him.

"Agent Wynters?" I heard Diane's voice call for me, and I turned to face her, grateful for the distraction.

"I just talked to one of the CSI agents that had cleared the crime scene. It seems they found a weapon. They want to get in touch with you tomorrow morning to discuss it," she informed me, and I nodded my head, trying to withhold my excitement. We were making progress; a stupid bump in the road was not going to stop me.




"I wish your parents had kept their files on a computer. It would have been easier to get more information from them," Blaire sighed.

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