"Mel, you can play now," said Kobra Kid simply.

Melanie's smile grew as she looked back and forth between Josh and Tyler.

"Oh, the game is so much more fun with two players!" She cheered, clapping her hands together.

"Finally we're getting somewhere!" Halsey exclaimed. She flipped back her bright blue hair and rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

"Hey Katie?" Melanie mused in a sing-song voice. "Could you get me my revolver? Pretty please?"

"I told you guys not to call me that!" Killer Kat rolled her eyes and groaned, but she pulled a small, six-chambered pistol out of her belt. "Why does nobody fucking listen to me? You better give me some extra turns."

"Oh, don't worry..." Melanie's insane smile grew as she took the gun from Killer Kat. She walked over to Tyler and kneeled down next to him. Gently placing her finger underneath Tyler's chin, she raised his head so he looked at her.

Josh drew in a sharp breath and tried going over to his Tyler, but Kobra Kid just stepped in between them.

"Everyone's going to get a turn!" Melanie laughed in Tyler's face, putting her hand on his chest and giving him a light push back. "Kat, Hal, can you explain the rules for me please?"

"Our pleasure," Halsey smirked. She took the gun from Melanie's hand and lazily draped her arm over Killer Kat's shoulder. The two walked in front of Melanie and Tyler and faced the pit of Clique members.

"I'm sure you've all heard of Russian roulette, right?" asked Halsey sarcastically.

"If not, then you're fucking stupid," Kat scoffed, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

Halsey took her arm off Kat's shoulder and nudged her in the ribs with her elbow.

"It's simple, really," she continued with a devilish grin. She showed Melanie's gun to the crowd. "Six chambers in the cylinder..." she opened the cylinder of the revolver and took out all but one of the six bullets. "...One bullet."

"Close the cylinder back up and give it a spin," Kat chimed in, taking the gun from Melanie's hand. She did exactly what she said, closing the cylinder and flicking her hand across it, causing it to spin wildly.

"Take turns pulling until someone-" Halsey closed one eye, made a finger gun, and clicked her tongue. "-gets the bullet."

"Alright, alright, they get it," Fun Ghoul groaned behind Kobra Kid. "Get to it already!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," Kat smirked, cocking the gun and aiming it directly at Tyler's forehead.

"Hey! That's not fair," Melanie pouted, snatching the gun out of Killer Kat's hands. "I think our guests should have the first turn."

She delicately kneeled down again, as careful as a child. Her bouncy black and pink curls matched her somehow bloody pink dress and childish stockings.

"Here you go, lover boy," she said, smiling sweetly at Josh. Her smile was wide and her teeth were sparkling, but her eyes were...well, completely mad.

She dropped the pistol in Josh's hands, and he stared at it in confusion for a moment before looking back at Melanie.

"Do you not know how to play this game?" Melanie cocked her head to side and pouted at Josh. "Here, I'll show you."

THE RUN AND GO : JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now