Chapter 29 [📱]

Start from the beginning

"Angel," he called out once he saw me.

I wanted to get angry at him for calling me that name because after all the shit he pulled, I wasn't his angel anymore. But this was not the day to fight with him. This was the day I promised myself I would forgive him.

"I'm going to let you talk to my mom. She might not respond though. She's been like that ever since Sam's death."

"I went to the cemetery," he said, looking down at his feet. "I placed some roses next to her stone. I knew how much she loved them."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"I appreciate you letting me talk to your mom again. But... why now?"

He looked scared, like he was expecting me to throw him out of the house at any second. And he'd be right... if I was the Y/N from before. But I buried that person deep inside my heart already.

"Getting angry means I care. It means that you still mean something to me and that's why I still care about your reasons for leaving. I'm done caring, I'm done getting angry. It's not going to bring you back. And it sure as hell wouldn't bring our family back."

This was my exact thought at the drive from the airport to my house. Even if Phantasm undid all my wishes and I was back to my old life, my father still wouldn't be there. I would still be part of a broken family. And because of that, the only option I have left is to accept that fact and move on.

"This is my closure. Accepting the fact that you're never coming back."

I walked past my father and out the door. Once the door closed behind me, I took a deep breath and smiled as I looked up at the sky. I'll see you soon, Sam. I'll come back to you and we'll be together again.

And when that happens, I'm never going to let you go again.


Day 2

"...and you guys are the reason why I've achieved the things I have right now. None of this would be possible without all of you. Keep following your dreams and hard work will pave the road for you. Always remember that. I love you guys!"

I hit stop on the recording after I waved at the camera and e-mailed the video to Jonas. Not even two minutes after hitting send, he called me on the phone.

"Okay, I got it. I'll send it to your publicist and she'll be the one to post it in your social medias."

"Thanks, Jonas. I appreciate it."

"But why are you suddenly adamant about thanking the fans?" he asked.

I knew there was no need to thank them, I didn't know them on a personal level after all. But after the things that happened with Alex, I felt like I was responsible for them. It wasn't their fault that they idolized an image, not a real person.

"I just want them to know how much I appreciate them," I said with a smile. "They deserve to know that much."

"Well, this is going to be great publicity especially because your album is coming out in days."

"Thank you too, Jonas, for taking care of me."

The other line went silent and I bit my lip from laughing as I imagined his surprise. I heard him clear his throat after a while and the creak of the chair under his weight. "Of—of course, I'm your manager after all."

"My manager and my friend."

He became silent again but he quickly recovered with a grunt. "Yes, well, you better get back here soon or you're in big trouble. I already have your schedule lined up."

Phantasm (Phantasm, #1) - Camila/YouWhere stories live. Discover now