Chapter 15: You'll End Up Six Feet Under Quite Sooner

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15. You'll End Up Six Feet Under Quite Sooner

Shayley's POV

I guess hanging out with these dweebs wasn't so bad. Now it was nine p.m. and we were in some sort There were a lot of teenagers here though, singing, dancing, having a good time. Everybody just seemed...happy.

Happy...took me a while before I learned what that felt like.

Anyway, this place was on the outskirts of town so I guessed I was going to get home really late. I was probably going get it from my mom but oh only live once right?

"So, are you having fun with us?" Liam asked as he slung his arm around my shoulders.

"I guess I am," I smiled in reply. "I'm heading to the counter to get another drink."

"Ugh," he remarked in disgust. "You mean to that guy who's drooling at you? You want me to come with?"

"Oh no," I groaned sarcastically. "An incredibly cute guy is checking me out? Save me oh great Liam Henry."

Shawn and Jacob chuckled while he just stuck his tongue out at me. I smirked and walked over to the counter.

"Hi, I'll have a-"

"Do you have alcohol at this place?"

I rolled my eyes at the douche who cut me off oh so rudely.

"Um, excuse me," I began. "He was attending to me."

"Whatever dollface this'll just take a minute," he brushed me off.

I took in a deep breath. "I'd really appreciate it if you'd wait."

"Look honey," he started, but paused when he looked at me. "Woah, obviously if I knew this vision was standing next to me I would have. What do you say? Let's forget about all this and I'll buy you a drink before we have the night of our lives?"

"I'd say over my dead body but I really think you'll end up six feet under quite sooner," I deadpanned with a sarcastic grin.

"Well I'd like to be over that body," he said lustfully.

Okay, that was it. I lost it. I grabbed a half empty glass someone had left on the counter and emptied its content onto his face.

"In your fucking dreams you disgusting perv."

"The hell bitch?" he said and grabbed my arm.

"Hey big guy? Why don't you back off?"

I could have wiped the floor with his ass if I wanted to but I was relieved to hear Jacob's voice, and even more relieved when all three of them surrounded me.

"Nobody wants to go home with a black eye tonight, so why don't you let her go," Shawn demanded.

The guy chuckled and cracked his knuckles.

"What, you think I can't take all three of you?"

"Maybe you can, but how about four?"

That wasn't one of the boys. He stepped forward and...

Holy fucking shit it was Charlie fucking Michaels.

Khalan was right, I do talk like a sailor sometimes.

The guy was about to speak but Charlie cut him off.

"We both know you're too proud for your own good so why don't you just save yourself the trouble and walk away."

The guy just glared at me and went off without another word.

He turned to face us and arched a brow. "Really guys? You choose to hang out here and you want to start a fight?"

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm a freaking goddess," I mused. "Besides, I could have totally handled that. Those self defense classes I took weren't for nothing you know."

He chuckled. "Be careful."

"I'll be right back," I told the guys and followed Charlie.


He sat down at a table and I sat opposite him.

He offered me a small smile making me feel all warm inside. "Haven't heard from you in a while."

"Yeah, I've been busy...senior year and all."

"Or you just thought you were lying to your best friend," he voiced.

"No," I defended then sighed. "Okay maybe that. Plus, Khalan and I have been friends for a really long time. I don't want to jeopardize that in case this blows up in all our faces."

He smirked. "If what blows up exactly?"

He knew what I meant.

"Shut up Charlie."

I know, it's confusing. You're probably thinking what the hell is happening here. See the thing is, everyone knew, I knew, I had a tiny infatuation for Charlie. But I guess that 'tiny infatuation' turned into butterflies overtime. And when we started talking, it became a full on freaking zoo. He asked me out once, we kissed, he asked me out again but I said no. Even then he and I were still friends. Trust me, I feel bad for going behind Khalan's back like that but come on. Your best friend dating your brother? It's weird.

"She'd be okay with it you know," he said.

"With everything Khalan's dealing with I don't think it's necessary to bring up new issues," I chuckled.

A red-head bounced over to us. "Charlie, ready to go?"

Oh wow.

"In a second," he told her.

"Okay, I'll be in the car with Jordan," she chirped before hopping away.

He got up as Shawn appeared behind him.

"Oh, by the way Shayley? Jordan's her boyfriend," he winked at me then turned to Shawn. "Fix things."

Shawn only nodded as he left.

"So, care to explain what's going on here?"

"What?" I shrugged innocently.

Shawn sat down. "You, have a thing for him."

"You're crazy."

He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, fine. I like him a lot."


What was he, a detective?

"And we may have had something going on," I mumbled. "Key words being 'may have had'."

He laughed. "Why don't you just tell Khalan? It's probably way easier than all this trouble."

"Shut up."

"I mean it probably sucks that you can't tell your best mate how you feel because you're scared she'll overreact and this won't end well. What if she doesn't and it will?"

"You're annoying," I said. "Take me home."

He just chuckled and got up. "Annoying but right."


I was always thinking of how to add some romance to Shayley's life ;). Keep voting and commenting. Xx

- amani

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