Chapter 11: Old Habits

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11. Old Habits

The week went by slowly. I can't say I didn't get jealous once or twice or hold back eyerolls I wanted to give Mel many...many times. I had to learn some self control though because after all we were in the same social circle. At least Friday came at last, and I could look forward to a Shawn and Melanie free weekend. As for them going out, I still wasn't so sure. He never said they were but you could clearly see she felt like it given the way she hung around him. Something was wrong today though, with Shawn. I don't think she noticed it even when he ignored her extremely annoying blabbering. I could tell though, he wasn't himself.

"Shawn?" Jacob called, finally getting his attention.

He looked up abruptly. "Huh?"

"You weren't listening to a word of what I just said were you?"

"I just spaced out a bit," he shrugged.

"Something wrong?" Melanie asked sweetly.

"I'm fine," he simply replied.

"Sure?" Liam questioned. "You haven't exactly been your usual self today."

"Really?" Melanie asked.

Suddenly he got up from the lunch table. "I have to make a call."

I don't know how long this 'call' took but he didn't come back. When lunch was over, Jacob grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"Something's wrong with him."

I nodded. "I know."

"Find out what it is."

"I intend to."

Shawn's POV


I walked into the kitchen where mom sat, staring into space.


Her attention was fixed on me now. She shot me that smile which could light up the whole world. "Shawn."

"What are you looking at? There's nothing there," I asked, taking a seat in front of the kitchen counter beside her.

She chuckled and ruffled the hair on my 12 year old head. "I was just thinking son."

"About what?"

She clasped her hands together. "Well, my boss wants me to go out of town for a bit. I'm considering taking the trip."

"A trip you're going to go on," dad's voice boomed as he walked in. He kissed her cheek and then the top of my head. I just smiled.

"It's a great opportunity Susan," he continued. "Go get yourself that promotion."

She shook her head. "I don't know. You know I don't like going away much. And I can't exactly take the baby with me."

"Speaking of little Harper, I just put her down for a nap," dad told her.

I laughed a little. "You probably won't be gone for very long mom. We can handle it."

She smiled and looked at me, a little surprised. "You sure about that young man?"

I nodded confidently. "Go."

She got up. "Alright then, I will. I better start packing though, I'm supposed to leave in two days."

2 days later

"Alright," mum announced when dad got her suitcase into the car. "Guess I'm ready to go."

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