Chapter 14: I Know Medusa When I See Her

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14. I Know Medusa When I See Her

I hated waking up before my alarm. Because then I knew I had extra minutes of sleep but I couldn't use them because I couldn't go back to sleep. Oh, the struggle.

I lay in bed till the alarm went then I got up and took a shower. After getting ready I went down for breakfast. I had to leave for school a bit earlier since I had to drop Emily off. Imagine the first thing I see is Kyle and Denise holding hands and walking into the building. I got out of my car choosing to ignore.

"Shawn and Melanie, Kyle and Denise? The universe just won't stop taking swings at you will it?"

"Oh God," I jumped, startled at the sudden voice that came from behind me.

"Well don't get a heart attack and die on me," Renée chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for reminding me my exes are happy with the girls who drove us apart."

"Doesn't something feel off to you though?"

I folded my arms. "Why?"

"Kyle's an asshat for cheating with that slut but he wouldn't add insult to injury and date her," she pointed out.

"That's what I thought but hey, I guess you don't know people as well as you may think," I told her.

"Yeah but I know Medusa when I see her. Pretty sure she's threatening to turn him into stone or something," she mused and I laughed. "She has something up her sleeve."

I smiled. "Do you want to help me? Willingly?"

Well looks like someone's finally warmed up.

"Oh shut up, you still annoy me," she deadpanned.

I laughed again. "Whatever you say. But I'm sure whatever Medusa's planning you'll figure it out."

"How are you so sure?" she snickered.

I winked. "'Cause you're satan."

Her jaw dropped for a second but she quickly regained composure and nodded in approval of my comment as I walked away.


"So, how was your date?" Jessica teased during lunch.

"Date?" Austin asked, surprised.

"She went out with Connor last night," Shayley explained.

"Connor," Austin echoed. "Wow."

I rolled my eyes. "For the thousandth time it wasn't a date. And you're wrong, Connor doesn't like me."

"He told you that?" Shayley asked skeptically.

I nodded. "I asked him. Guess you assumed wrong."

"Whatever, I don't believe him."

"Think whatever you want," I said.

"Is it me or is Shawn staring at you like a crazy person?" Jessica pointed out.

I looked towards the entrance of the cafeteria and saw him looking intently at me, holding his phone. But there was something evident in his gaze. The glow in his blue eyes wasn't there. Instead it was replaced with...hurt. I gave him a small smile but he just turned and walked out.

"What was that about?" Austin asked.

I shook my head gently. "I don't know."

"Well don't just sit there," Shayley prompted. "Go find out."

I quickly got up and went after him.

"Shawn," I called after him in the hallway.

He stopped.

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