"Dan, you believe that we're gonna hold our girls, our little nuggets, in a little bit." Phil asked quiet.

"I know. I can't wait." That was all I could manage. I felt my eyes getting watery, and my hands getting sweaty.

"This hurts like a bitch, but it's gonna be so worth it." Phil laughed as they were prepping for their first incision. Leave it to Phil to brighten the mood.

"How ya feeling there, Philly?" Jessie asked, her voice slightly muffled by the mask.

"Pretty numb. I'm just ready to hold my girls." He said, exasperated.

"How about you, Dan?"

"Anxious. So very, very anxious." I said, squeezing Phil's hand.

"Don't be, we're professionals, bro." She laughed. A nurse passed her a scalpel and I grew even more anxious. "Alright, everyone, time for the first incision. Brace yourselves."

She then starts doing things behind the curtain that was put up, only the noises of the heart monitor and the mumbles of nurses could be heard...until...

I heard a cry.

I heard a cry.

"Twin A is out." Is all Jessie said. I saw a nurse walk with a baby in her hands to a different area. I felt the tears start to fall.

That was my baby. Our baby girl.

I heard another cry, a more high pitched one.

"And here is twin B." Jessie said. A separate nurse walked with our baby to the same area.

Not soon afterwards, the nurses were handing use our two precious little girls, as Jessie patched Phil back up.

"They're here, Danny. They're really here. I can't believe it." Phil was crying harder than I was.

"What are you going to name them?" One of the nurses asked.

"The one I'm holding is Isabella Rose, and Phil is holding Elena Quinn." I said, looking at both of them with so much love. "The Lester-Howell Twins."

"Beautiful name choices." The nurse said, rubbing my back. "I'm so sorry to have to say this, but we must take them back to run some tests. I promise, we'll try to be fast so you guys can go be a beautiful family." She smiled before she, and another nurse, picked up Isabella and Elena.

"Phil, they're real. We're actually dads. This isn't a game or a dream. It's real." A small smile appeared on my face. Phil put his hand on my face and I leaned down and kissed him.

"Alrighty guys, we've made it to this point. I'm so proud of you guys." Jessie said, clapping her hands. "Congratulations on Isabella and Elena! Phil, gonna have to be in recovery for a few days. I hope that's okay."

"Yeah, it's completely fine." Phil shrugged. They put him in a wheelchair and rolled him to the recovery rooms. He was assisted onto the bed and he took a deep sigh.

"Dan, remember how I said this would all be worth it in the end?" He asked.


"I was so right." He smiled, closing his eyes. I laughed and kissed his cheek. I pulled up a chair next to his bed as we both fell into a deep sleep.

~Time skip to that morning~

I woke up with my upper body on Phil's bed. It then occurred to me what happened.

We had two little girls.

I grabbed my phone and decided to tweet since it would be the easiest way to tell everyone the news.

‪"For those wondering about us, Phil has given birth to our two little girls, Isabella and Elena. We'll post a video will be up when we feel ready x‬"

I looked at the small alarm clock on the bedside table. 8:00 AM. Probably not enough sleep, but whatever.

I jolted when I heard a knock on the door. It was Jessie.

"Hey kiddos. I have some stuff to tell you about twin B-I mean, Isabella. You might wanna wake up Phil for this." I nudged Phil and he slowly blinked as he woke up.

"Hey, Jess. How's life?" Phil asked groggily.

"I'm good, but Isabella has some things going on." Phil's eyes go big in shock and he started stammering. "Don't worry, she's fine but she is showing signs of Cerebral Palsy."

"Umm, what does that mean?"

"Basically it's a condition cause by abnormal brain development which can cause exaggerated movements, rigid limbs, etcetera." 

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked.

"Yes, most definitely. She's only showing small signs. I 99% sure she doesn't have it, but I'd like to be 100%, you know?" She said, pushing her glasses up on her nose.

"Anything about Elena?" She flipped the sheet on her clipboard over.

"Elena's legs are in weird positions, which may cause some trouble crawling and and walking in the long run. It can be easily corrected by a simple surgery. I can schedule that for nine. You can see them though." She said. Phil and I immediately perked up. Jessie just smiled at us and she walked out, only to roll in two bassinets that had their names on them.

Jessie hands them both to us, giving me Elena and Phil Isabella. She walks out to give us some private time with the girls.

"Phil, we really did it. We created the two adorable little humans all by ourselves. This is amazing." I said in awe.

"I know. They both have your nose, but Isabella has your lips." Phil observed. He pulled Isabella's little pink hat off to reveal a little tuff of brown curly hair. I took of Elena's little hat to reveal the same coloured little tuff of hair. Phil and I both cooed at them.

"This is a dream come true, Phil."

"Not just a dream, Danny, but a Luxury"

Dan, Phil, and The Two KidsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu