"Okay I'll go get some ice cream for us to cool down, stay here." I say.

"Awh princessa thinks I'm hot too." He smirks.

"Nah you just need something cold to keep that icy heart going." I wink as he places a hand over his chest faking hurt.

"I happen to think I'm very hot too, hotter than you. You're like glitter next to me being the diamond." He says and flicks an imaginary strand of hair. I smirk not giving him and his words two flying fucks. He's about to get wrecked.

"Oh yeah and because I'm so 'not hot' that's why you got a boner when I was drunk," Yes I remembered the memory after a few days. He stands there slack jawed and tongue tied. "And at the beach." I raise my eyebrows smirking while he goes pale.

"How? Shit how did you find out?" He inquires scratching his neck nervously. I'm smart but I play dumb.

"And that night when you thought I was passed out but secretly woke up. You know when you were debating on a shower or waking me up, out loud." I deadpan and he stands there in disbelief as he goes red.

"And here I was thinking I hid that like a pro." Diego chuckles.

"So I am hot." I give him a cheeky smile before leaving to get ice cream.

"Never said you weren't." I hear a faint mutter from inside the room and I smile in glory.


"Seven tickets please." Daniel asks from the other end of glass as I drool upon the popcorn.

"You're drooling." Diego starts laughing from next to me.

"Can you blame me?" I shrug and we all go to get popcorn.

Once we enter the theater and receive hushes and deadly glares from others the movie begins. Unsurprisingly I'm sitting next to Diego who insisted that I sat next to him. I don't have any objections to that of course.

Half way into the movie Diego drapes an arm around my seat.

"Just stretching." He whispers innocently and I nod smiling inside.

You have to pee. You're gonna explode. But it's the most interesting part of the movie! Fine pee yourself in front of the guy you like. Ughh I groan inwardly as I excuse myslef and head to the restrooms.

"Got stood up?" A male voice addresses me and I see a guy around my age approach me.

"Actually," I begin but he cuts me off.

"It's alright love so did I." He strokes my hair and his bracelet gets tangled with my preciousness.

"Ow!" I yelp as I pull his shoulder closer otherwise he'd tug on my hair and get me bald.

"I'm sorry wait I've got it." The guy says as he nears me and I fidget under his hold.

Diego's POV

I choose to go outside just to make sure some idiot doesn't stop her on the way. Turning the corner I see some hobo shifting around and she's got her hand on his shoulder! His face is down and his hand must be on her cheek, are they kissing?

"What the hell princessa?" I say as I run up to them.

"Ow you bastard focus!" She snaps at the guy.

"Hush your pretty little mouth or I'll pull this out." He deadpans and it's only then I realise what's happening.

"Let me." I grab the girly man's bracelet and start untangling the whole thing. "Right, here it is you can leave now."

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