Chapter 11: Concert

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Isabel's POV

The show starts 5 minutes ago.

5SOS is now performing on stage.

I still can't believe that I met Luke. I mean, Luke Hemmings is my love for a long time now. I'm a fan of 5SOS but you can't just be a fan if you only like one of them! If you like one of them then you should like all. It comes to a package .

Zina's not really enjoying the time right now. She's still waiting for 1D to perform. Whilst I, Clapping like a retarded seal and hoping that one of them will look at me and recognise who I am but that would be so impossible. Like how in the world would they look at you when all they can see from stage is like ants in an army.

The 5 Seconds Of Summer ended their performance acting all like a child running around. When 1D came in, Zina was finally brought to life. She was enlightened like a bright sun when she immediately heard their voice. While I exit the area, I can finally breath. Fangirls around us were being carrots! So I'm pissed of how they behave.

I just sat here in the place where Niall left me. It was another hall with no lights so it was pretty dark. This hall is mostly the calmest of all the areas here. So maybe, I'll just stay here for a while whislt 1D is performing on stage.

"Why so lonely?" A familiar voice said.

I quickly stood up and tried to run but He was able to grab my wrist and pull me to him.

"Why are you scared of me? Why are you running like I'm the bad guy here?" He looked into my eyes. Those blue eyes demands for an answer.

"I-I was only... I was just getting some air." I looked away.

"I don't think you answered my question." He tilts his head.

"Uh.. Well,.uhm.." I tried to come up with a plan for escape but I can't. I was too distracted by those blue eyes of his.

"I think you're a fan, aren't you?"

I nod.

"Well, I guess you're different from the others." He chuckled. What's so funny?

"Look, Isabel. You don't have to be scared of me. I'm not gonna hurt you in anyway." He tried to pull me against him but I was able to pull away.

"Look, Luke. I just really need to go, okay? I need to find a friend of mine." He frowned.

Once he let my wrist go, I quickly ran away from him. I went to another direction while he stayed there, Frozen. What did I do now? I just said I need to see a friend.

"Isabel? Is that you?" I can recognize Ashton's voice.

I turned to face him. Hell yeah it was Ashton.

"Why do you look so scared? Are you okay?" He raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"No, Why did you lie?I saw it during the interview." I brought the topic up so I won't be able to say anything about Luke.

"Oh,that. Well, I was- but- I......" He stuttered.

I gave him a glare.

"Okay! I was just jealous, Okay? Michael brought you up and I wasn't able to say anything so I lied." He pouts.

"Aw, Jelly babe?" I teased him.

"No." He glared at me.

"But you just said it." I pout.

"C'mere" He pulled my arm and pulled me into a hug.

"Uhhh... Am I interrupting something or what?" I can hear Calum said.

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