Chapter 16: Zayn Malik

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Isabel's POV

I knew it. Zayn doesn't act like he's affected but his eyes are showing the worries and problems he have inside. Well, I guess this is what friends are for? Helping each other to move on from each other's problems?

Zayn and I arrived in our hotel place. He promised me he would tell me after we arrived in our suites so I decided I'll stay for the night at his place which He call it 'they' not 'his'.

"Can I hold Frankie until we're on our suit?" I nod and hand him Frankie. Frankie's waggling his tail and Zayn was giggling and whispering something but I couldn't hear it.

We ran into the elevator. I think he's trying to avoid the paps at the lobby. I don't know why but I guess it's for the good?

While we are in the elevator, I was looking at Zayn who was playing with Frankie like it's his own puppy. He took out his phone and gave it to me.

"Take a selfie with us." I furrowed my eyebrows then open his phone for the camera app.

I placed the phone to a perfect angle which Zayn and Frankie are at my back giggling while I laughed and I snapped it. I moved the phone to another angle where Zayn, Frankie and I are beside each other. Zayn and I playfully pout in front of Frankie while He let out his tongue and looked at the phone. I snapped the camera for a shot.

Zayn muttered something at Frankie whilst I view the photos. It was a very nice shots I did there. I missed photography. I haven't take a single picture in weeks. I love photography but nobody hired me so what's the sense of loving it anyway?

"Yah okay, Yssa?" Zayn rubbed my back while his other hand was holding Frankie.

I just nod and the elevator dinged. We went out and Zayn led me to his suite. He slid his key card to the door and it opened like mine. He said he will head into my suite and picked my phone up. I walked towards his living room whilst I looking around because his suite was three times bigger than my suite. Zayn came back in no time and hand me back my key card and I placed it on the nearest table along with my phone and purse.

"Yah live here...alone?" I asked as He puts Frankie on the floor to run around.

"Nah, I told you. I'm not the only one who's living here." I looked at him in confusion.

"What model group are you in?" I hate being nosy!

"Model group? No, I'm in a boyband. " He emphasises the word and walked into the kitchen. I followed him and stared at him for a few moments...

Then in hit me like a thunder...

I saw him in the stage with One Direction.

"Please don't tell me you're with One-" He looked at me and kneeled down to give Frankie a bowl of water.

"One Direction, yes. I'm in that boyband. Sorry for disappointing yah." He's still kneeling in front of Frankie who's drinking his water from the bowl. Frankie's head was buried in the bowl. He's so cute.

"It's okay." I tell him. I lied though, I really don't want to be close with any of them because of Harry Fucking Styles.

I head towards the living room and jumped onto his sofa. I can't even accept the fact that I was too stupid to not remember that Zayn was one of the lads of One Direction. I wish I wasn't too carefree of the happenings around me.

Frankie jumped on the sofa and ran into Zayn again while He was heading towards the living room. Geez, Frankie's really hyper right now. I guess it's just his first time to meet a guy.

Betrayals *One Direction/5SOS*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant