Chapter 41: Miami Dramas

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Zina's POV

Flight attendants barged in the room, some nurses too. They let us out for the nurses to do their work. I was about to argue but then again Yssa's life may be in grave danger. Her blood drenched my purple shirt, I knew to myself that I hate blood but for my best friend; I couldn't care less. I found her unconscious on the floor with blood from her head. My head was spinning from all the happening. Gemma and I paced back and forth to think about what really happened. No one knew what was the truth. All we know is that Harry slammed her against the wall but that didn't even make sense. Niall was slammed but his head didn't bleed or something. This accident should have a very good reason before I start to kill somebody for doing this to my sist- best friend. I don't want her to suffer okay.

Harry and Niall finally burst in to the room with pale look on their faces. I guess they received the news so now they acted all so caring. Wow, these guys should receive an award or something. Maybe Oscars?

"What happened? "

"Oh please, Harry. We should ask you what really happened back there. You almost killed her and now you act all so innocent and shit? Wow, I expected a lot more positive in you. I already knew you were a jerk at first but as of right now, You proved my senses right! " My voice started to rise and my index finger pointed Harry in front of us. I didn't have any control of my words and what I spoke was the truth. He's a total dipshit.

"Killed her? W-What do you mean?" Harry's voice softens. Oh wow, so now he's acting all so affected?  Oh great, can someone give this guy a Brits Award or something?

"Okay, so the nurse said Yssa wasn't just slammed against the wall. They said that Yssa's head impacted on some corner and made her head bleed..." Gemma said as she walks out from the Food Room. Something felt so weird in my body; Oh yeah,I wanted to kill Harry for this.

"I-I don't understand. " Harry's eyes swelled up in tears. What? so now he's going for a drama act? Oh wow, this guy surely thinks this is kind of a performance?  Oh please, can someone give him an Oscars Award?

"You slammed her against the wall, her head banged at some corner, her head bleed, and now she's unconscious. You caused all of these, Harry Fucking Styles." I harshly said. It was true, it's not like he has the power to blame someone else even if he's clearly the one who's the main root of all what happened.

"Ms. Mellet? I believe Ms. Keller is now awake, she requested to see you." A flight attendant approached my anger state. My mind suddenly softens as my best friend's voice was heard calling my name. I immediately walk straight to the direction this girl was pointing at. Then, there she is, resting on a huge couch with a small bandage on her head.

I breathed out from all the frustration. My best friend was saved and that's all that matters right?

Isabel's POV

I open my eyes, for some unknown reason, my vision was still blurred. I kept my eyes closed and sat up. My head started to spin and I held my hands around my head. I felt a smooth thing wrapped around where the sting was coming from. So then I open my eyes, just to find flight attendants and nurses pacing all around trying to prepare something.

Then it hit me;

I went unconscious.

Is anyone aware of this? Or is it just me and my imagination?

"Ms. Keller, Please rest for a while. " The nurse pleaded and I finally gave in to her request. But I gave her a condition.

"Could anyone call Zina and she could watch me here while you guys can rest." They all nodded, Maybe they were tired from our direct flight so they gave in to my request. I felt so bad for being a baby that needed to be taken care of. I wish what happened earlier was just a dream, or so called nightmare. I was now calm and realized that the Isabel back there was different. That Isabel became cold, confused, lost, and fearless. I still don't know if I will consider those as a bad thing or not. Besides, I did point out what I wanted but, it was backfired. Harry lied, and that was the last thing I needed to break myself from being strong. Yet, I didn't became weak, well, except when my head banged on some corner.  That I believe was from the Mother Earth who hated me from being so cold around Harry. Wow, so I'm the evil one? Oh well, bad ass is marked into my soul. Ha.

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