Chapter 6: First Guy Friend

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Isabel's POV

Can this be true? I am actually talking to them!

And may I say that Ashton and I are 'close friends' now. I don't know what happened but I'm truly aware that I am close to them. Did I already say that? Oh sorry. It's weird but God knows I'm addicted to 5SOS and every fan would go crazy when it comes to this situation. They would die for it to happen to them. So why not take the chance of being friends to them. Well, Except for Luke of course. He doesn't even give a damn about me. 'Ashton does' my conscience speaks. Wait what? Okay, you're probably lost here so here's some of our conversations. Am I really talking to myself? Damn.

Yssa: Well, my best friend told me to go to but I decided I'll come because of you and the other lads :)

Ashton: Aw! Really? Well, That would be awesome!

Yssa: Yeah I know! :)

Ashton: Hey Yssa? Am I right this time? Haha. Okay so I would really love to get to know you :)

Yssa: Hmmm? ..Yeah I guess since we're 'friends' right :) ?

Ashton: Technically, 'Close' Friends :) So I'll let one of our security to fetch yah over the crowd. :) sounds good?

Yssa: That sounds completely good to me :) I literally don't oh and by the way, What's up with the ':)' face?

Ashton: Haha, I'm just happy :). Are you happy? :)

Yssa: Of course! Who wouldn't? I mean, I'm talking to The Ashton Irwin. I'm actually suprised right now that I'm acting normal.

Ashton: Is that so? Well, I'll do anything for you to be happy :)

I looked at that message for a moment. My eyes widened and my heart beat starts to fasten. That message sent shivers down to my spine.

What does He meant by that? 'course I replied but only a goodnight message. I really don't know what to say. So maybe next time I'll be really more careful. What if this guy goes crazy and likes me? Oh no, that would never happen! He's so damn popular and here I am, being the person who tries to 'socialize' with other people. No, screw that. I'm socializing with a rathe famous person. I'm unknown. and with that I fell asleep.

Ashton's POV

What the hell happened to me? I made too much moves on her! Shoot, I gotta be slow here. I really don't want to freak the hell out of her! Other girls would really freak out because I talked to them but Isabel? No she didn't. She's like the regular girl which seems to be so special to me. I got to tell the boys that I finally liked a girl.

I decided to talk to Lukey first since He doesn't even know the existance of Yssa yet.

Knocking to his door for about a minute. The door opened, revealing a sleepy Luke in his boxers.

"God mate! You woke me up! It's the middle of the night!" His blue eyes demands for peace.

"I know, But I need to talk to you about something really important." I begged.

"Nothing's important unless you finally liked a girl." He playfully winked at me.

I smirked and nodded.

"Wait, You finally liked a girl? Well come on in!" I smacked him.

We sat on his couch. His sleepy eyes are finally gone and I can see that they were replaced with interested blue ones.

"So, who's the lucky girl?" He finally asked.

"Her name is Yssa. " I looked down.

"Oooh, her name already sounds fun to me! She's so lucky! Wanna talk about it?" Is he even serious?

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