Chapter 21: Contract's bait

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Isabel's POV

All of us are eating right now, Even Harry. I tried to be nice, Well, in some way. Louis couldn't stop calling me his wife. Sounds pretty crazy huh?

Dinner is full of Niall talking to his food, Liam struggling to get the sauce because He was afraid of spoon, Louis calling me his wife, Zayn looking onto his mirror while eating and Harry, of course, pissing me off as always. He's pretty goddamn annoying. He's pissing me off for over an hour of dinner. I really want to sass him but since Zina isn't here, I don't have anyone to sass me back. Harry,Niall, Liam, and Zayn couldn't sass me back. Harry's too annoying, Niall's into food (like me), Liam has a big heart, and Zayn couldn't since all he cared about is his damn mirror and his quiff. Louis is left. I haven't heard Louis sass yet. Zina told me that Louis' the sassiest but in my level, I'm the sassiest of the sassyness. Wait, Is that even a word?

I can't sass around these boys without Zina. Oh how I wish her to be here but she kind of got into the wrong side of the team.

I forced the boys to play around with Frankie in the living room. Whilst, I, need to clean up the mess they did during dinner. Gosh, Why are they so childish anyway? Pft.

Zina's POV

I'm staying at a hotel 4 blocks away from Yssa's. Yes, I know where she is. Why? You may ask? because this is planned by the management. They said that Harry accidentally said too loud that Niall and Isabel are not physically good together. They believe that Harry's jealous but what I'm doing right now is follow orders.

I haven't talk to Isabel yet. I was planning to this afternoon but the management said, She's out with Niall. I really don't know what's the point of them wanting Yssa to date One Direction. I mean, Isabel can't date the whole five boys at the same time! She's not a slut to do that. As a fangirl, I should know who's perfect with the boys. I don't even know why the management wouldn't just let the three lads to have their girlfriends. You know,

Louis and Eleanor.

Zayn and Perrie.

Liam and ...

Oh, Liam broke up with Danielle. Shoot, This is bad. The management is sick! How can Isabel date the three other lads! Liam, Niall and the fucking Harry!? Well, In my opinion, Isabel wouldn't hang out with Harry for a date. Isabel's too good for him! Maybe Niall or Liam but Harry? Psh! What is this? Some kind of a miracle for Isabel to pick Harry? This is fucking reality.

I walked into the building where the management and I will meet. They have a new task for me since they're leaving for two months working on One Direction's new tour. Basically, Isabel, One Direction, 5SOS, and I have the whole summer to enjoy before the lads start off for a new tour.

"Aaah! Ms. Mellet! So nice to see you!" Steve greeted. I took my seat across from him.

"What do you want now?" I blurted.

"Since we are leaving for two straight months-" Steve was explaining but I cut him off.

"Finally! I have a break!" I exclaimed. Steve's looking at me weirdly. What now?

"No, Ms. Mellet. There's a new task for you." Steve pointed at me. I sigh.

"While we're not here in London. You are our eyes and mouth. You'll have to be observant. You'll be disguised. You'll be a pap if we need to. In other words, You're going to watch every move Isabel, Niall, Harry, and Liam does. You're going to report it to us even the little things they do." Steve rubbed his forehead and looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"You've got to be kidding me! I can't do that to my friend! That's like taking another side which is against her!" I waved my hand in the air. Do they even hear what they're saying? They sound shit.

"Remember, Zina. You still signed the contract. You said it yourself that it was for the sake of your friend. Besides, all expenses will be paid by us and you two will still have the 6 grand." Steve leaned on his seat and stretched his arms. I want to kick his balls right now but the contract is shitting on me.

"Fine. How about Isabel? She's not notified by this. She doesn't even know a thing about what's going on." I pointed out. I hope He got this everything in control. I don't want Yssa to freak the shit out.

"She'll be okay. She's going on pretty well though. By the way, I have a task for you tonight." Steve signaled something to his assistant . I really want to kick his balls. A new task? and tonight? What the fuck is he thinking? Make me a ninja to watch Isabel?

"I want you to head to their hotel and force them to throw a slumber party. With that, the main task here is to make Harry date Isabel." Steve reads something from his phone.

What the heck? How am I going to do that? What am I? A wizard to snap my fingers and my tasks are done? Damn this.

"That's bullshit, Steve. It will be a mess. Isabel will notice this shit I'm going to do. It's impossible for Harry to date with her, and really? A slumber party?" I facepalm. He just chuckled and thought for a minute.

"The lads call it that way and Harry will do it. Just think of a way, Zina. You can do this. Hide your identity, okay?" Steve reminded me for the thousandth time since this morning.

"What's this? Some kind of illegal Organisation? Psh." I rolled my eyes. I'm going crazy thinking of ways. Ugh!

"Maybe? It's important to not let any people know this!" Steve fixed his polo and I fiddle with my fingers.

I nod and stood up. I need to go to Isabel's suite to throw a freaking slumber party. I don't get it why they call it that. I mean, Why party when the people are few?

I'm having technical difficulties inside my head. I can't think of a damn way to make Harry date her without letting Isabel know a thing about my work. This is so damn hard. Damn the management for letting this happen!



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