Chapter 15: Vogue Model

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  • Dedicado a Charm Patrice Macalawi Garon

Isabel's POV

Zayn is apparently asleep on my lap. He fell asleep while crying because Nemo got lost. I really can't find his humor there because it is stated in the title Finding Nemo, meaning that Nemo is lost and somebody will find him. Isn't it obvious? Psh. The whole night consisted of Zayn crying his butt off whilst I, eating the whole bag of chips. When am I not hungry anyway? Pizza was for dinner since Zayn said He was a bad cook. I said to him that my lazy ass couldn't cook for now. Zayn and I were throwing food at each other and tried to throw it in the air and catch it with our mouth and whoever got the least points is going to prank call the lady at the reception. It was hilarious!

My phone rang. I didn't even bother to look at the caller I.D.

"Elo?" Who is this anyway? It's midnight for god's sake!

"Uh..Hey, Isabel.. Uhm..I'm so-" It's Michael. I cut him off

"No, don't be sorry. It's okay. It's nobody's fault." It's true though, I knew to myself that I pretty enjoyed the kiss but I also knew that it was wrong since we're just friends.

"Really? Uhm..Well, Thank you." I can sense he's feeling down right now but why? Did something happened after I left the stadium?

"Thank you for what?" I smiled because Zayn was snoring so loud.

"Thank you for the ...erm..kiss...It's amazing." I can imagine him smiling and rubbing the back of his neck because he's nervous.

"Yeah, Thanks too." I smiled while internally laughing my ass of because Zayn is snoring louder and louder than before.

"Well, Welcome then. So where are- You know, who's snoring anyway? It's pretty annoying! " I laughed. Zayn was still snoring, aw, He's so cute. Michael's annoyed by him, haha! I wish Zayn was able to see himself asleep.

"Oh, it's just my friend! He and I just had our friggin Slamber Party as He calls it." I remembered Zayn and I fighting over it because he really wants to call it a Slamber Party whilst I want to call it just a hang out.

"He? It's a He? It's a guy?" Curious Michael is here! Wooo!

"Uhh..Yeah, He's kind of a vogue model." I chuckled. Zayn turned his body because he was disturbed by my chuckle and now He's face and body was facing towards me. Well, this is awkward.

"Vogue Model? Isabel, please be careful okay? I really don't want you in trouble." Worried Michael is here! I bet Zayn is really annoyed right now caused by me trying to push him because it's awkward that his head was on my lap and facing towards me.

"Don't worry, Mikey. I'm going to be okay. I'm in a hotel so I can call any guards if I need any help. " I pout, not because Michael was being worried but because Zayn is leaving drools on my shirt and pj's.

"What hotel? Can I go?" I can hear Michael clapping his hands.

"Uh...I really don't know,Mikey. I don't want trou-" I was cut off.

"No, I won't bring trouble. Please?" He whines. I can't just hide myself from them.

"I'll tell you the night after tomorrow. Is that okay? I need to be alone tomorrow." Yeah, I am right. I really need my lonely times to think of my thoughts

"Yeah, sure! I understand! Just give me a call if you ever need something and I 'll be there in no time." He sounded so cheezy,Psh.

"Haha! Too cheezy man! Okay, Bye!" I smiled.

"But,I L-" I can hear him murmur something but I hanged up.

I placed my phone on the table beside the sofa I was sitting on. I guess, I'm really right that I will need a Me, Myself and I time tomorrow since I need to think and decide on things. Mum isn't here to help me think. I miss mum but She's with Zina's dad doing work.

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