"Well, she's my friend too, y'know. Of course, I'll be there for h--" Minji was then cut off by the intoxicating smell of Jungkook's cologne. It actually took her a second or two to process the fact that she was wrapped up in his arms for the second time.

'Oh my gosh,' Minji wrapped her arm around him, taking in as much of his scent as she could without fainting on the spot. 'He smells so good.' She closed her eyes as her head laid against his chest. This was one moment that Minji didn't want to end. All she wanted was for time to stop, just so that she could continue to be in his arms a little longer. Wrapped up--no, suffocated in his scent. 'What can I do to make you notice me, Jeon Jungkook?' But unfortunately, time was not on her side. Jungkook soon pulled away from their hug, ending it with a pat to her shoulder.

"You're nothing like Sumin, y'know. You've always been there for Jiyeong. And I know that you'll never betray her. Even though we might not have known each other long, I trust you a lot. We're a team if you think about it," he chuckled.

"Yeah..." What a way to bring out the guilt again.

"Do you want me to wait here with you until the bus gets here?"

"No need," she waved her hand back and forth. "You go to Jiyeong. I'm pretty sure she's expecting you right about now."

"Alright, I'll get going now. Get home safe," he waved, and then started off down the sidewalk again.

"Bye," she waved.

Once she got home, Minji sat in her room with the small unopened box staring right back up at her. "I need to take this thing." She was trembling. It was more definite in the way she inhaled and huffed out a sigh. "It's now or never, Minji." Minji pulled open the sealed tab on the side of the box and slowly slid out the test.

Just looking at the test alone was enough to momentarily cut the flow of her heartbeat. She just couldn't believe that she was holding a real pregnancy test. Not for anyone else, but herself. "I don't have to use the bathroom though..."


"Yes!" Minji hurriedly opened up her pants and dropped everything inside, before swiveling around to meet her mother.

"Come help set the table. Dinner is just about ready."

"Yes, I'm coming." When her mother closed her door back, she released a sigh of relief. "That was too damn close."

After her 1st class, Kyunghee decided to keep an out eye for someone in particular before moving on to her next class. "Ah, there you are!" she jogged right up to him and caught him by the arm. "Hey you," when he turned around, Kyunghee became stunned at the wonderful eye candy towering her. 'Wow, he's really handsome up close up. But no more handsome than my Taehyungie.'

"Do you need something?" he quirked a brow in question.

"I most certainly do. Aren't you the guy that was with Jiyeong last week?"

"Yes?" Mingyu gave her a questionable look as he observed her from head to toe. "Wait a minute, you're the girl that was with Taehyung the other day."

"Oh, you saw me before? I'm touched that you remember me."

A stern face then took over Mingyu's handsome face. "What do you want?"

"Nothing much. Just to make a deal with you. I couldn't help but notice the few times that you were with Jiyeong. You seem to look at her a bit fondly. It's almost like you like her."

"What does it matter to you whether I do or not? You got something against her?"

"Look," she smirked, "I'm coming to you with a deal. An opportunity if that's what you'd like to hear. That girl is a total annoyance when it comes to my Taehyung, and since you seemed to like her, I thought it would benefit you if we were to team up to break them apart even more. Right now he's distant towards her, but I can tell that he still cares for her. And Jiyeong's no ugly girl. I can totally see the two of you together. Anybody as long as it's not him. So, how about it? Would you like to help me break them up?"

Mingyu sized Kyunghee up and down before a smirk of his own was drawn up. "You sound so desperate, that it's just sad."

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A smirk to a frown, and a creased brow to compliment. "Excuse me?"

"I really pity girls like you. You sound just like some crazy chick in heat, drooling for a piece of Taehyung. I don't know why though. He may be good-looking, but he's no good guy. Anyways, I don't care about what you do to try and tear those two apart, but don't go try bringing me into your shit schemes." And with that, Kim Mingyu turned on his heel and left Kyunghee standing there in pure awe.

"You're going to regret talking to me like that! I'll make sure you're just as miserable as her once I'm finished with her!"

"I hope, for your sake, that you get your head checked out real soon." When Mingyu turned inside the classroom and grabbed himself a seat, he sighed. "If anyone is going to see to them break apart, It's going to be me for sure."

A/N: AWW YEAAHHHH!!! NEW ARC FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! o(≧∇≦o) I'M SO PUMPED! And we're not even near the climax, yet~

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