Let's Not Talk About It

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Chapter 10

"Hey um. I uh."He gulped so loud that i heard it. "Why so nervous?" I joked placing my hands on my hips. " He walked up to me motioning his hands like he wanted to say something but pulled back sticking his hands in wet pockets. "What are you doing here?" I gave him a smile. "My parents aren't home and i really need to take a shower so your parents said i could shower here." "What are you going to put on when you finish showering?" "Uh i don't know seriously." he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I know you caaan wear my panties or my boy shorts." I joked walking up to him and pushing him lightly. He just gave a smirk and sighed. "About that kiss i'm sorry It happened." "I don't want to talk about it remember." "Oh. But....I'm." "No I don't want to talk about you. I don't want to talk about that stupid kiss or you Trace!" I angerly politely said through my clenched teeth feeling my heart race speedy gonsolus. I walked over to my dresser and got without removing my towel i slipped my panties on and turned around faced backwards from Trace and put my bra on. "Why don't you want to talk about it?" "First of all i have company and i have a dinner to be at downstairs." I pulled my long yellow dress on and slipped in my flats. "Look I'm..." "You're sorry i know. You're just being yourself." I brushed my hair and slid my glasses on my face and started to walk out the door but Trace grabbed me by my arm and swung me around. "Tell me did you like it and i'll let you go." He offered. "Look Trace i don't want to talk about it ok. Just leave me alone. Just stop the pranks, the jokes just stop everything." I felt a tear roll down my face but Trace wiped it away. "What's wrong?" "You're what's wrong. Everytime i turn around you're pulling your dumb pranks again on me. That had to be prank or a joke or something else. Trace please tell me that kiss was please because you're suppose to grow old with me and still prank each other. I love pranking you but you're not serious...that's not your personality. Everytime you prank me or joke me so that had to be on right." I wasn't sure if i was making any sense but i said it anyway with tears just rolling out. "I..I..I uh." His lump in his throat made a loud gulp and he cleared his throat. And that moment i knew it wasn't a prank. "Well if you don't mind i have to join the rest down stairs and you take your shower. When you finish your shower and your parents get home get out my room ok." I said. He reached for my face to brush it with his fingertips but i backed away from him wiping it myself. I cleared my throat before walking into the dining room with the rest of the family. "I'm sorry I was talking to Trace about something." I apologized sitting down and scooting up to the table. "Sooo this is awkward right." Kay said jabbing me. "What?" I whispered. "Isn't that your crush." she said whispering back so that i could only hear her. "Yeah." We both looked at each other and shook our heads nu uh in unison. After asking Luke questions and him asking me questions we went into the living room...just me and him. "You know what...I'm so glad i can breath around you and not be nervous now." I giggled as i took my seat. "Why do you say that? Luke asked giving me a smirk. "Because i had a crush on you." "When did you stop having one on me?" He laughed. "When i saw that you were TJ's brother. Come on that's a little crazy." "Ok yeah. I thought about asking you out a couple of times but your boyfriend wouldn't want me to do that." "My boyfriend?" "Yeah Trace." "Trace isn't my boyfriend." I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Oh." "Luke! Lacey! Desert is ready!" My mom called. We went to the kitchen and scooted up to the table. Trace trotted down stairs getting ready to tell me bye or telling me he'll catch me later but instead of him leaving my dad said, "Hey Trace. You're all done?" "Yes sir." Trace replied looking over at me ever so innocent. "Hey want some desert?" My mom asked him as he reached for the door. I glanced over a Trace then my mom like what the heck is wrong with her? "Um no Mrs.Jones thanks anyway though." He dropped his eyes off of me and slightly smiled. "Come on buddy. Sit down and have some. We'd love to have you." My mom begged giving him puppy eyes that he can fall for. He looked at and gave me a look like i know you don't want me to stay so get me out of this now. "Mom he really has to go home to get dressed and meet this girl he likes at Red Lobster’s at 9:00." I said to her hinting to him to meet me.

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