Chapter 19: Confrontation

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Chapter 19: Confrontation

Kayla p.o.v

"Oh Kayla. Your back. Dinner will be ready soon", mom said in a cheery tone.

It was dinner already? How long did Blake and I talk for? It must have been hours.

"Are you okay? ", she asked waving a spatula in my face.

"Yeah. I'm fine", I say reassuring her with a fake smile.

She looked like she was going to dig deeper when she saw the fake smile she all too quickly changed the subject.

"Well dinner will be ready in fifthteen minutes", she said.

"Ok", I said and dashed to the elevator.

She definetly knew something was up. Hey, maybe she has some kind of supernatural emotion detector implanted in her brain. wouldn't be suprised if she did.

The elevator dinged bringing me out of my thoughts. Then I walked to my room. Its weird. My room felt completly untouched, like the first time I entered it.

Then I noticed my luggage lying around. Then the revalation hit me. I've been so busy stressing over this crazy town, that I haven't even finished unpacking, I've barely even been in my room.

Quickly changing into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, I made a mental note to unpack my stuff later this week. After I drop the bomb on my lying family. I think tonight will be the last day I have dinner as a normal teenager.

A knock sounded on my door.

"Come in", I say. Tiredly.

Kate walk in.

"Dad told me to tell you dinners ready", Kate said as if it were a chore.

"Thanks", I say trying to be civilized.

"Whatever", she said and strode out.

Why do I even bother.

Time to get the show on the road.

"So, have you settled in well, Kayla?", asks dad, trying to include me into the conversation. I feel like I'm somewhere else, like my mind isn't here.

"Sure I guess, but this towns really strange", I said, as my chance to declare the relavation I've found out.

"What's so strange about Montrose?", he asked looking puzzled.

"Oh, you know. Just the fact that there are crazy mythical creatures roaming around", I say casually, like I wasn't bat shit crazy.

Miles, choked on his steak, Mom gasped, and poor little Olivia was completly oblivious to what was going on.

"What type of mythical crearures?", Dad asked, trying to laugh it off but his faced showed it all, it was 5 shades whiter.

"Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, The Gifted", I named, by now Mom looked like a ghost.

"What there's no such thing as mythical creatures", Dad said with a laugh that was too high to pass of as real.

My facial expression probably matched the ice in the water jug. It was cold.

"You guys just tell her the truth", Matt said sighing in dissapointment at Dads atrotious ability to lie.

"How do you know?", Mum asked in a soft whisper.

Giving her the best glare known to man I answered, "I noticed strange things. Things like peoples eyes changing colour, the attacks, as well, seemed to be weird so I checked it out for myself. The guy who survived one of the attacks, told me what he saw. Then I went to the library to piece everything together. Which ended with me talking to Blake the werewolf, and do you know what he said? He said my scent smelled strange as in 'Not Human'", I used my hands to quote not human.

Dad choked. Mom gasped. Again.

"What the hell is going on?", Olivia asked like we were all high on cocaine.

I answered for her.

"What's going on is, Mom and Dad, lying to us, and making us belive were human when were not. Were supernatutal freaks, and they've been lying to us since the day we were born!", I roared, and continued.

"You guys better tell me what you should of told me years ago. You guys let me find out this crap from some annoying prick at school. AND YOU BETTER TELL ME EVERYTHING!"

Miles was actually backing away in his seat, even Kate was shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Serves those fuckers right for keeping secrets and Matt was sitting comfortably in his seat like he knew this day would come.

"Were gifted, also known as Praèditus", Dad sighed.

Bye Bye normal Kayla.

"We kept it a secret from you, to protect you", Mom inputed.

"Protect me from what?", I asked. Everything in Seattle was peaceful, and I honestly don't think anyones out to get me, its not like I'm important.

"The king and queen wanted us to protect you."

"What queen and king?", I found myself asking. There were a gizilion different royal families. Why were they being so cryptic?

"Of the gifted world. Your biological parents".


Oooh big suprise there. Guess you guys didn't expect that. I'll update again once I get up to 100 votes. I have 77 so keep it coming.





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