Chapter 6: What Are You?

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Hi everyone I hoped you liked Chapter 5,This Chapter is dedicated to DarkLightning for making a awesome cover for me, to FallenAngel010 for helping me out when I was feeling down, and TheGirlThatLaughs for giving me some advice. If you want a Chapter dedicated to you all you have to do is comment and give some feedback.

love u guys



Chapter 6: What are you?

Blake p.o.v

Ugh. I groaned as i sat up. I could'nt remember anything from last night. I looked over and to see a naked girl lying next to me.She started to stur and eventually woke up.

"Good, your up, now get out", I said in a bored tone.

"What!", She said suprised.

"I said get out", I repeated.

"But I thought.............", She trailed off.

"Let me guess, you thought after this we'd be boyfriend and girlfriend, running off into the sunsets?,please",I said a bit sceptical.

I mean I told her it was a one night stand and She agreed with me.

"You jerk!", She screamed and attempted to throw her heel at me which landed right behind me.

Great the 8th one this week.

"Whatever, just get out".

I left her there and headed for the shower without giving her a chance to reply. Once I got out, I put on a pair of Chino's, a black v-neck, my Letterman jacket and put on my shoes.

Once I got downstairs, I saw my asshole of a brother sitting on a stool.

"Oh look who it is my asswipe brother!", I shouted.

I knew he had a hangover, you could tell by his face.Your probably wondering why I called him an asswipe.You see me and my brother hate each other, no loathe each other.We've just never gotten along.It first started as rivalry and then escalated when I caught my girlfriend Megan cheating on me with him.Everyone kept on saying that She kissed him, but that's not what I think.

"God, shut up you dick, ive got a headache!', Hunter shouted back which egged me on.


Before I knew it a fist connected with my face.

"What the hell!", I exclaimed.

I'm pretty sure the whole pack could hear us, but they knew better than to interfear. I hit him in the jaw and he staggered back.I took that as my advantage so i pushed him over and straddled him,punched him in the ribs and nose.He got the upper and rolled us over and I felt him punch me on the nose.I heard a crack, im pretty sure my nose was broken.But then i felt it repear itself. He was about to punch me on the stomach but he was pulled off me.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHEN WILL YOU GUYS GROW UP!", our dad roared at us,he continued.


"Sorry",we mumbled.

"Aren't you two late?", he asked.

"Late for what?",Hunter asked confused. So was I.

"For your babysitting job",he paused, he saw our even more confused faces then said,"School, you dweebs".

By now all the bruises had dissapeared, which I was glad for.

"What time is it", I asked.

"9:15“, he replied.

I got my stuff and walked to my car. I never really used my werewolf abilities, only when I needed to. I got into my red Ferrari, I saw Hunter getting in to his BMW convertible.Westlake High was only fifthteen minutes away from the pack house.I parked my car in the parking lot and got out and headed to class, Hunter trailed behind me.

"Glad you could join us", Mrs Black said sarcastically.

I tried to not growl.She was lucky she was human, pack members would'nt get so lucky.

I could smell a scent, different, as in not human nor werewolf', it made me curious.It smelled breathtaking like passion fruit and mango.I looked to see where it was coming from and saw a girl with lushious golden blonde hair, Sparkling blue-green eyes, high cheekbones, tanned skin,legs that went on for miles and big plump pink lips that were begging to be kissed. She looked like a goddess and I'm pretty sure the rest of the guys in this class thought so too which made me and my wolf angry.

I growled and said 'MINE'.

I've finally found my mate and I won't let anyone take her away from me.

Hunter p.o.v

'Mine', I growled.

I found mate and I don't plan on letting her go anytime soon.

Kayla p.o.v

The looked like greek gods.They both had tanned skin,high-cheekbones, chisled features like their faces were carved from stone.Black glossy hair which was tousled in a 'I Just Got Of Bed' look which looked sexy on them.They were really tall around 6ft5, they were lean but muscular, you could see the outline of their eight-pack through their shirts.The only difference between them is their eyes.The one on the left had emerald-green eyes whereas the one on the right had sparky hazel eyes.They might as well have stepped out of a GQ magazine.

Wait,did they just growl?, Suddenly pulled from daydreaming.They did growl, like a animal.Quick note to self: stay away from those freaks.

I could feel headed stares from behind me.I turned around and saw those two hot twins staring at me.I felt like they were staring into my soul and instantly felt connected to them.That's odd I don't even know them, we were mere strangers.A while later the stares got more intense. I was about to turn around and give them a piece of my mind but the bell rang.

I got up packed my stuff said bye to Brandon and ran out of the classroom without giving him a chance to reply.I sighed, finally away from those freaks.

Hunter p.o.v

I growled as She ran away.I sniffed her scent to calm me down.Odd.Her scent didn't smell right.Not human.She's defeatenly wasn't a werewolf, i'd know if She was one.She's not a vampire cause She does'nt smell like a leech.

What is She?


hope you. liked Chapter6 tell me what you think of the story  so far. Comment and vote please. Chapter 7 is coming up. 62 reads, please spread the word about my story

lv u guys


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