Chapter 4: Moving In

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Hi guys,i know its been a while since ive updated this story but ive been feeling really ill and got distracted by vampire diaries and pretty little liars.Heres chapter 4,please comment and tell me what u think.Thank you to all of you reading this story.

Chuckles007 ;)


Chapter 4:Moving in

Kayla p.o.v

The flight took about 3 hours. When we landed at Denver,we got into a taxi and went to our new house, in a small town called Montrose.

"Wow",Kate said in awe.

If kate likes this house then that means something.The house looked really modern.The house was made out of mainly glass and other things.The house almost identical to the cullens house in twilight.

"This place is awesome,i can't wait to throw partys in here",miles said high fiving matt.

The house has about 7 floors,there was an elevator. I could see a huge pool outside.

"OMG,is that a pool outside?''

"No kate its a river",i said sarcastically

She gave me a glare.

''kayla, stop being mean to your sister", dad said holding back a laugh.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room", Miles wandered off, Matt left with him.

"Oh, kayla honey, your room is on the top floor, I know how much you love heights", she smiled at me.

"Ok,thanks mom, you coming Olivia?'', I asked.

''Yeah sure'', she replied.

We entered the elevator, yes the freaking elevator.

"So do you think living here was a good idea after all?", Olivia questioned.

"I don't know but I hope so".

The elevator did a "Ding", the doors opened and my mouth dropped open.I looked at Olivia to see that her expression mirrored mine.

"Wow", Olivia said in awe.

Plastered on the hallways walls were wallpapers of New York, the skyline, the yellow taxies,and so on.The hallway had a black and white theme.The floor had smooth black tiles, the couch was white with red cusions saying 'I Love New York', that alone couldn't describe the setting.

I walked over to my room.My door was painted red, my favourite colour.My door looked more like an apartment door with the number 7, my favourite number and one of those handle thingies you use to knock on someones door, don't really know what there called.

I opened my door and then I knew I had the best parents ever. My room was like a freaking apartment.The tiles on my floor were a criss cross between black and white, basically like a chessboard.The walls in my room had a London theme, the wallpaper on the walls contained Canary wolf, the Gurcin, London Eye and so on. I had a red leather couch and a flat screen tv mounted to the wall.I had a mini kitchen, yes you heard me a mini kitchen.That doesnt even begin to cover the whole room.I saw a white stair case, getting excited I ran up them.

The upstairs of my rooms walls was painted black with autographs written in white which covered each side of my walls, There had to be more than 200 autographs.Wow. I also had a bookshelf which contained all my favourite books like twilight, hunger games, hush hush, fallen e.t.c. I had an ipod dock, a macbook air.I started to get dizzy looking at everything so I went back downstairs, deciding I would check everything else out later. So I unpacked some stuff and went downstairs for dinner.

Miles kept on bragging about his room during dinner,Kate kept on complaining about her hair, I swear she could win an award for her high pitched voice.Dad managed to slip out were starting school tommorow. I know right?,we just got here.Matt tried to skip school by talking about his dreadful jetlag and how he could passout in the schools swimming pool.Which my mom fell for saying "poor baby", but I was mistaken cause after that she said "suck it up".

God I hate being the new girl, I thought as I went to sleep.

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Please comment things will get more heated in the next Chapter.

I really need more readers so spread the word.

Lv u guys, first person to comment gets to be a character in my story.


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