Chapter 1:The Announcement

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this is my first storie on wattpad so please comment and vote and tell me what you think

Chuckles 007 :)


Chapter 1 : The Announcement

Kayla's p.o.v

I take a deep breath as I enter Ridgeway high school. Today is my last day. I remember when my parents told me, my brothers and my sisters that we were moving. Yeah, it didn't go down well.


We were sitting down for dinner. Miles and Matt were talking about football season. Kate was whining about how she needed to get a manucure. I was texting Jade, my bff.

'' kate, shut the fuck up no one wants to hear your whining,'' I said.

'' Thank you'', Olivia said relieved she stopped talking.

. ''OMG, just like shut up, your so like annoying''. Kate said, in her annoying high pitched voice.

That's Kate for you, an annoying cheerleading bimbo. She has the classic bimbo look. Bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, orange skin, short skirt, low cut tops and 6 inch heels. Apart from Kate my look is comepletly natural. I have blonde hair, blue-green eyes, long legs, curvy body, high-cheekbones and plump lips. I have thst whole model look that everyone love's to remind me of again and again.

''Kayla why won't you do modelling'', said mum, getting all excited again.

''No mum, I don't want to be some stuck up, whiny model that has tantrums every 5 minutes'', I argued.

''But Kayla your beautiful and your really tall, you would make a great model'', mum sid upset.'

'No thanks'', I said for the 250th time, but she was right i'm really tall about 5ft10.

''Mum, what about me'', Kate exclaimed angry.

.''Look can we end this stupid girl talk",said Matt.

''God, I can't wait to move out'',said Miles.

. ''Fine whatever'',mum said,everyone agreed. '

''Kid's we have something to tell you'',said dad sounding happy.

Miles looked at mum and said, ''please tell me your not pregnant,its bad enough having annoying sisters,don't add another one to the bunch".

I flipped him the middle finger.

''Kayla,don't swear at your brother'',said mum angrily.

Miles stuck his tongue at me. you would think he's 5 not 18.

''What I didn't do anything'',I said, going for the innocent act, it always works with dad.

''Don't try that with me, I saw you raise your middle finger at him'', argued mum.

''Fine'',I sighed in defeat.

''And no Miles I'm not pregnant'',said mom.

''Okay, can everyone stop interupting me please'',dad exclaimed.

''Sorry'',we all mumbled.

''What I was saying before I got interrupted, he gave us all a irritated look.

''What I was going to tell you all is that we're moving''.

There was a breeth silence.

''WHAT!'',miles and matt exclaimed.

''You've got to be kidding me'',i said standing up from my seat.

''I like it here, it keeps my hair in good condition and if I move anywhere else my hair will fry'',Kate cried out.

''God knows that's not the only thing that will fry,your brain will too, oh wait it already has from all that bleach you use in your hair'',i said. She was thinking about her hair at a time like this, really.

She gave me a venomous look.

''Why dad?'', Olivia asked in a sad tone.

''Its because dad here'', miles gestured his his hand towards dad, ''wants to ruin our lives''.

He started clapping his hands. 'Well done dad you have officially ruined our lives, so tell us how does it feel?

''miles that's enough, go to your room'',mum said upset.

''Gladly'',as he got up he slammed his chair to the floor.

''And that's what I say to moving'',he said angrily.

I'm pretty sure the whole neighbourhood could hear us. He marched the stairs and slammed his door shut.

Everyone was used to his outbursts.

''Anyway, were moving to Colorado'',mum said excitedly.

''Why are we moving anyway'',matt said angrily, it was the same question I was wondering.

''I got a promotion'',dad said.

My dad works for Apple, and my mum is a fashion designer. A big time fashion designer, she always has a clothing line for new York fashion week and she gets us all to model for her.

''Were leaving next week, so you'll have time to say bye to all your friends'', dad said.


please comment and vote,tell me what you think.

Chuckles007 ;)

A Beautiful DisasterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora