Chapter 18: The Truthful

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Chapter 18: The Truthful

Kayla p.o.v

"What are you doing? ", that was the first question he asked.

"Erm. Nothing", i said disappointed.

He sniffed the handcuffs and looked at me with wide eyes.

"This is silver. You know", he said looking a bit pale.

Well since he like he could share some information, I confirmed it.

"Yes. I know that you and Hunter are werewolves", I said smugly.

"Come on. We need to talk about this privately", he said dragging me into the parking lot.

"I can walk myself you know".

He just ignored me and unlocked his car.

"Get in".

"Where are we going?", I ask, scared that he might kidnap me now that I know his secret.

"Like I said. We're going somewhere private".

I got in. I was so bored. Blake wasn't talking. He was distracted by his own thoughts. He looked anxious. So I spent the rest of the ride making tapping noises on the windows. The car stopped. After half an hour. Finally.

Looking at our destination, it was empty. No cars, nothing. Just an empty space.

"Come on", he said and got out. Within a second he was opening my door . Which made my head spin. God, I'll have to get used to this.


He started walking towards what looked like a run down diner.

Then he apologises, "Sorry, I'd take you to a much better place, but this is the only place we can go to without anyone eavesdropping or interrupting".

"It's ok", I said and we walked in a comfortable silence. He was right. This was a place were we wouldn't get interrupted and no one would hear our conversation.

Well at least the inside was better than the outside. It had a really tacky 1920's look. The floor was tilled in black and white squares. The stool's were red and the waitress was wearing a tacky outfit too. She looked like she was about to fall asleep, but when she saw Blake, she shot up like she had a shot of coffee. Her eyes glazed over like a puppy.

"Table for one?", she asked looking at Blake like he was a god.

"Erm no. Table for two", he corrected gesturing to me which got me an icy glare, like she was about to attack and mark her territory. She might as well pee on him.' I'm not here for this rubbish. I'm just here to get answers', I chanted in my head to keep me from punching the girl.

"Right this way", she said in a tight voice and glared at me hatefully. Might as well stab me with a pitch fork. Anyway, we followed her. Looking at the window seats that didn't really have a good view, I sat down.

"What would you like to order?", she asked bringing out a pen and notepad.

"We're fine thanks", Blake said confidently. And for once I agreed with him. If I ordered cherry pie I'm sure I'd find a cockroach in it.

"Oh. Okay", she said awkwardly and continued.

"Well if you need anything, I'll be only a ring away", she said pointing to the little bell on the table. Yeah. I'm pretty sure she was just talking to Blake. Then she retreated backwards hesitantly. Once she was gone I started talking.

"So tell me about your mystical world".

"Really. Mystical world", he said looking at me with a blank expression.

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