Chapter 10: The Fight

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Hi everyone, I'm sorry it's been a really long time since I've updated. Been busy sorting out personal problems . Anyway here's chapter 10.Dont forget to comment, Vote . Best comments get a chapter dedicated to them .



Chapter 10:The Fight

Kayla p.o.v

Boys wolf-whistled and girls looked at me in envy . God, it's like I make new enemy's each day. I could feel an intense stare behind my Back . I turned and saw Blake looking at me in anger, hurt and betrayal, like I did something wrong. I also noticed that his eyes weren't their usual colour . In its place were midnight black Irises. Uncomfortable by his Stare, i turned back ,when I suddenly felt warm lips pressed against my own. A second later, I could hear a crash.

Blake p.o.v

I looked over and saw Hunter kissing Kayla. My wolf took over and I lost control. All I could see was Red.I was out for blood.

Hunter p.o.v

Her lips were as soft as rose Petals . I could feel hands wrapping around my neck and choking Me . I tried to turn round to see who the culprit was . It was my brother, what a surprise. I don't see why he's angry though, I haven't done anything. I grabbed his hand off my neck and punched him in the jaw . All of a sudden we were knocking tables to the floor, drink bottles and God knows what to the ground too . Blake kicked me in the shin and tackled me to the Ground . I rolled over and started punching him on the face.

''Stop, please stop'', Kayla pleaded in a desperate tone .

She was trying to get us off each other.

Kayla p.o.v

God, what is wrong with them? I got Drew to help me pull them apart . Blake was sporting two black eyes, bruised cheeks and a bleeding nose. While Hunter had a bleeding lip, bruised jaw and cheeks with a black eye.

The music stopped and everyone was watching us, whispering. Some older looking guy(Probably in his late 30's) pushed past everyone and headed straight for Hunter and Blake . He looked like he was trying to talk sense into them . It looked like it was working . Sheesh, glad someone could talk sense into them . Hunter and Blake gave me a long intense stare then left.Odd.

Drew spoke, distracting me from my thoughts.

"Wow, what was that about?"

"I don't know", I replied back.

It wasn't like I was trying to cover for them. I really didn't know what that was about and Drew was just looking at me like I knew something.

I walked away . I didn't really feel like being Questioned . I found the girls and literally begged them to take me home and they understood why.

From now on, I'm avoiding them as much as possible, I thought as I fell asleep.

Hunter p.o.v

Blake was shouting at me.

"Why did you kiss my mate!?", he shouted angrily.

"What do you mean by your mate . She's my mate."

Is he high? To back up my point I said.

"I feel sparks when I touch her", its true.

Every time I touch her it sends a wave of currents through my body.

"Well so do i", he said.


Blake p.o.v

How is it possible, that we have the same mate? Dad came down the stairs probably hearing us argue and said, "You do know it's possible right? because your twins but it happens in rare cases".

"Well get ready brother because I'm going to win her", I said smirking at him.

"Your on", he replied back giving me that same smirk.

Now we'll have to see who gets her . Like most people know (especially my brother), I like to play dirty.


ohh who's going to win her . Who do you think is? are you on team Blake or hunter? If anyone has any ideas for the story my ears are open . Please comment and vote and please spread this story to all your wattpad disciples.

Love you guys


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